

Convert a string or number to a floating point number, if possible.

FakeASEAtoms([scaled_positions, cell, symbols])

Mimic the basic behavior of ase.Atoms.

Structure([set_all_auto, units])

Container class for representing a single crystal structure (unit cell + atoms).

Trajectory(*args, **kwds)

Like Structure, but all attrs in attrs_nstep have a timeaxis along axis=0 and length nstep:


Base class for Structure, providing unit conversion methods.

_trans(coords, old, new)

Helper for coord_trans().

align_cart(obj[, x, y, vecs, indices, cart, eps])

Align obj w.r.t.

angle(x, y)

Angle between vectors x and y in degrees.

angles(struct[, pbc, mask_val, deg])

Wrapper for _flib.angles(), which accepts a Structure.


Transform ASE Atoms object to Structure.

call_vmd_measure_gofr(trajfn[, dr, rmax, ...])

Call VMD's "measure gofr" command.


From crystallographic constants a, b, c, alpha, beta, gamma to cell.

cc2cell3d(cryst_const[, axis])

Same as cc2cell() for 2d arrays (the name "3d" is just to indicate that we work w/ trajectories).

cc2celldm(cryst_const[, fac])

Convert cryst_const to PWscf celldm.


From cell to crystallographic constants a, b, c, alpha, beta, gamma.

cell2cc3d(cell[, axis])

Same as cell2cc() for 3d arrays.

celldm2cc(celldm[, fac])

Convert PWscf celldm to cryst_const.

center_on_atom(obj_in[, idx, copy])

Shift all coords in obj such that the atom with index idx is at the center of the cell: [0.5,0.5,0.5] fractional coords.

compress(traj[, copy])

Wrapper for Trajectory.compress().


Concatenate Structure or Trajectory objects into one Trajectory.

coord_trans(coords[, old, new, copy, axis])

General-purpose n-dimensional coordinate transformation.

coord_trans3d(coords[, old, new, copy, ...])

Special case version for debugging mostly.

distances(struct[, pbc, squared, fullout])

Wrapper for _flib.distsq_frac().

distances_traj(traj[, pbc])

Cartesian distances along a trajectory.

grid_in_cell(cell[, h, size, minpoints, ...])

For a given cell, generate grid size from grid spacing h or vice versa.

kgrid(cell, **kwds)

Calculate k-point grid for given real-space cell or grid spacing from grid size.


Mean of Trajectory along timeaxis, like numpy.mean(array,axis=0).

min_image_convention(sij[, copy])

Apply minimum image convention to differences of fractional coords.

mix(st1, st2, alpha)

Linear interpolation between two Structures based on the numbers in alpha.

nearest_neighbors(struct[, idx, skip, ...])

Indices of the nearest neighbor atoms to atom idx, skipping atoms whose symbols are skip.

nearest_neighbors_from_dists(dists, symbols)

Core part of nearest_neighbors(), which accepts pre-calculated distances.

nearest_neighbors_struct(struct, **kwds)

Return Structure with only nearest neighbors.

pbc_wrap(obj[, copy])

Apply periodic boundary conditions to fractional coords.

pbc_wrap_coords(coords_frac[, copy, mask, ...])

Apply periodic boundary conditions to array of fractional coords.


Convert a string or number to a floating point number, if possible.


Set with attr names which are not None in all objects in lst.


Reciprocal lattice vectors {a,b,c}* = 2*pi / V * {b,c,a} x {c,a,b}.


Calculate rmax as in [Smith], where rmax = the maximal distance up to which minimum image nearest neighbor distances are correct.

rmsd(traj[, ref_idx])

Root mean square distance over an MD trajectory.

rpdf(trajs[, dr, rmax, amask, tmask, dmask, ...])

Radial pair distribution (pair correlation) function for Structures and Trajectories.

scell(obj, dims[, method])

Build supercell based on dims.

scell3d(traj, dims, **kwds)

Supercell for Trajectory.

scell_mask(nx, ny, nz[, direc])

Build a mask for the creation of a nx x ny x nz supercell (for 3d coordinates).

smooth(traj, kern[, method])

Smooth Trajectory along timeaxis.

struct2atoms(st, **kwds)

Transform Structure to ASE Atoms object.


Transform Structure to Trajectory with nstep=1.


Convert stress tensor to Voigt notation.


Same as tensor2voigt() for trajectories.

velocity_traj(arr[, dt, axis, endpoints])

Calculate velocity from arr (usually coordinates) along time`axis` using timestep dt.

vmd_measure_gofr(traj[, dr, rmax, sel, ...])

Call call_vmd_measure_gofr(), accept Structure / Trajectory as input.


Convert Voigt stress array to stress tensor.


Same as voigt2tensor() for trajectories.


Volume of the unit cell from crystallographic constants [1]_.

volume_cc3d(cryst_const[, axis])

Same as volume_cc() for 2d arrays (the name "3d" is just to indicate that we work w/ trajectories).


Volume of the unit cell from cell vectors. Calculates the triple product::.

volume_cell3d(cell[, axis])

Same as volume_cell() for 3d arrays.