
pwtools.num.sliceput(a, b, sl, axis=None)[source]

The equivalent of a[<slice or index>]=b, but accepts slices objects instead of array indices or fancy indexing (e.g. a[:,1:]).

  • a (numpy ndarray) –

  • sl (slice object, list or tuple of slice objects) –


    one slice object for that axis


    sl is a list or tuple of slice objects, one for each axis. It must index the whole array, i.e. len(sl) == len(a.shape).

  • axis ({None, int}) –

Return type:

The modified a.


>>> from numpy import s_
>>> a=np.arange(12).reshape((2,6))
>>> a[:,1:3] = 100
>>> a
array([[  0, 100, 100,   3,   4,   5],
       [  6, 100, 100,   9,  10,  11]])
>>> sliceput(a, 200, s_[1:3], axis=1)
array([[  0, 200, 200,   3,   4,   5],
       [  6, 200, 200,   9,  10,  11]])
>>> sliceput(a, 300, s_[:,1:3])
array([[  0, 300, 300,   3,   4,   5],
       [  6, 300, 300,   9,  10,  11]])