, dct, **kwds)[source]

Write dictionary with arrays (or whatever HDF5 handles) to h5 file.

Dict keys are supposed to be HDF group + dataset names like /a/b/c/dset. The leading slash can be skipped. Default file mode is ‘a’ (see below for details).

  • fn (str) – filename (e.g. ‘foo.h5’, ‘bar.hdf’)

  • dct (dict) –

  • **kwds – keywords to h5py.File (e.g. mode='w')


The default file opening mode is the (old?) h5py.File default value, which is mode='a', i.e. read+append mode. In this mode, existing keys cannot be reused (overwritten), only new ones can be appended. The file is created if nonexistent. To overwrite, use mode='w', but this is the same as deleting the file and writing a new one! If you want to overwrite some or all existing keys and add new ones, use smth like:

>>> old = read_h5('file.h5')
>>> old.update({'/old/key': new_value, '/new/key': some_more_data})
>>> write_h5('file.h5', old, mode='w')