
Some general signal procressing tools (FFT, correlation). Mostly textbook and reference implementations plus some utilities.

FIRFilter(cutoff, nyq[, ntaps, ripple, ...])

Build and apply a digital FIR filter (low-, high-, band-pass, band-stop).

acorr(v[, method, norm])

(Normalized) autocorrelation function (ACF) for 1d arrays.

cauchy(M[, std, sym])

Lorentz window (same as Cauchy function).

dft(a[, method])

Simple straightforward complex DFT algo.

ezfft(y[, dt])

Simple FFT function for interactive use.

fft_1d_loop(arr[, axis])

Like scipy.fft.pack.fft and numpy.fft.fft, perform fft along an axis.

fftsample(a, b[, mode, mirr])

Convert size and resolution between frequency and time domain.

find_peaks(y[, x, k, spread, ymin])

Simple peak finding algorithm.

gauss(x[, std, norm])

Gaussian function.

lorentz(M[, std, sym])

Lorentz window (same as Cauchy function).

mirror(arr[, axis])

Mirror array arr at index 0 along axis.

odd(n[, add])

Return next odd integer to n.

pad_zeros(arr[, axis, where, nadd, upto, ...])

Pad an nd-array with zeros.

scale(x[, copy])

Scale x to unity.

smooth(data, kern[, axis, edge, norm])

Smooth N-dim data by convolution with a kernel kern.

welch(M[, sym])

Welch window.