Source code for pwtools.visualize

Interfaces for molecular viewers

The viewers defined here are meant to be used for quick interactive structure
and trajectory display. All viewer functions are actually callable instances of
:class:`ViewFactory`, and thus have the same call signature:

.. automethod:: ViewFactory.__call__


Use :func:`view_vmd_xyz` or :func:`view_vmd_axsf`. To execute a tcl script
after the struct has loaded (in the shell: ``vmd -e script.tcl``), use::

>>> tr = crys.Trajectory(...)
>>> view_vmd_axsf(tr, options='-e script.tcl')

Note that the viewer (in this case VMD) is simply called like ``vmd
structfile``, which can take very long for big MD data b/c the VMD default
is to use smth like ``mol new ... waitfor 1``, which is slow. In that case you
want to call VMD directly::

    $ vmd
    vmd > mol new /tmp/foo.axsf type xsf waitfor all
    vmd > set molid 0
    vmd > source ~/work/vmd/ca_salt.tcl

The trick here is ``... waitfor all``. See the VMD manual for the ``mol``
command. Or you place these lines in a script and use::

    $ vmd script_to_execute.tcl

from tempfile import mkstemp
import os
from pwtools import io, common

[docs] class ViewFactory: """Factory for creating interface functions to external molecular viewers."""
[docs] def __init__(self, cmd=None, assert_cmd=None, suffix='.axsf', writer=io.write_axsf): """ Parameters ---------- cmd : str Shell command to call the viewer. Used as ``<cmd> <structfile>``. Example: 'jmol', 'xcrysden --axsf'. assert_cmd : callable Function which accepts a single arg. Called as ``assert_cmd(obj)`` where `obj` = Structure or Trajectory instance usually). Will be called early. Use to make additional tests on `obj`. suffix : str File end for written structure file. writer : callable Called as ``writer(obj, structfile)``. Write struct file to read by viewer. Examples -------- >>> viewer = ViewFactory(...) >>> viewer(struct) >>> # To start more than one viewer, use bg=True to send the spawned >>> # process to the background. Will leave temp files on disk. >>> viewer(struct1, bg=True) >>> viewer(struct2, bg=True) """ self.cmd = cmd self.assert_cmd = assert_cmd self.suffix = suffix self.writer = writer
[docs] def __call__(self, obj, logfile=None, structfile=None, disp=False, keepfiles=False, tmpdir='/tmp', wait=True, bg=False, options=''): """ Call viewer. The executed shell command is:: <cmd> <options> <structfile> > <logfile> Parameters ---------- obj : Structure or Trajectory logfile : str, optional Filename of a logfile for the viewer's text output. structfile : str, optional Filename of a file to write the structure to. disp : bool Display text output (i.e. `logfile`'s content). keepfiles : bool Keep `structfile` and `logfile` on disk. tmpdir : str, optional Directory where temp files are written to. wait : bool, optional `wait` passed to common.system(), wait (or not) for command to exit bg : bool Background mode. If True then this is an alias for `wait=False` + `keepfiles=True`. The latter is needed b/c with just `wait=False`, temp files will be deleted right after the shell call and the viewer program may complain. """ if bg: wait = False keepfiles = True if self.assert_cmd is not None: self.assert_cmd(obj) self._set_dummy_symbols(obj) if structfile is None: fd1,structfile = mkstemp(dir=tmpdir, prefix='pwtools_view_struct_', suffix=self.suffix) if logfile is None: fd2,logfile = mkstemp(dir=tmpdir, prefix='pwtools_view_log_') self.writer(structfile, obj) if disp: cmd_str = "%s %s %s 2>&1 | tee %s" %(self.cmd, options, structfile, logfile) else: cmd_str = "%s %s %s > %s 2>&1" %(self.cmd, options, structfile, logfile) common.system(cmd_str, wait=wait) if not keepfiles: os.unlink(structfile) os.unlink(logfile)
def _set_dummy_symbols(self, obj): if obj.symbols is None: print("object has no symbols, setting all to 'H'") obj.symbols = ['H']*obj.natoms
[docs] def assert_struct(obj): assert obj.is_struct, ("input is not Structure instance")
view_xcrysden = \ ViewFactory(cmd='xcrysden --axsf', suffix='.axsf', writer=io.write_axsf) view_vmd_axsf = \ ViewFactory(cmd='vmd', suffix='.axsf', writer=io.write_axsf) view_vmd_xyz = \ ViewFactory(cmd='vmd', suffix='.xyz', writer=io.write_xyz) view_jmol = \ ViewFactory(cmd='jmol', suffix='.cif', writer=io.write_cif, assert_cmd=assert_struct) avogadro_cmd = r""" __f(){ if which avogadro2 > /dev/null; then avogadro2 $@ else avogadro $@ fi }; __f """ view_avogadro = \ ViewFactory(cmd=avogadro_cmd, suffix='.cif', writer=io.write_cif, assert_cmd=assert_struct)