Source code for pwtools.parse

Parser classes for different file formats. Input- and output files.

We need the following basic Unix tools installed:

| grep/egrep
| sed
| awk (better mawk)
| tail
| wc
| ...

The tested egrep versions don't know the ``\s`` character class for
whitespace as sed, Perl, Python or any other sane regex implementation
does. Use ``[ ]`` instead.

Using Parsing classes

All parsing classes::


are derived from FlexibleGetters -> UnitsHandler ->  {Structure,Trajectory}FileParser

As a general rule: If a getter (self.get_<attr>() or self._get_<attr>_raw()
cannot find anything in the file, it returns None. All getters which depend
on it will also return None.

* After initialization
      pp = SomeParsingClass(<filename>)
  all attrs whoose name is in pp.attr_lst will be set to None.

* parse() will invoke self.try_set_attr(<attr>), which does
      self.<attr> = self.get_<attr>()
  for each <attr> in self.attr_lst, thus setting self.<attr> to a defined
  value: None if nothing was found in the file or not None else

* All getters get_<attr>() will do their parsing, possibly
  looking for a file self.filename, regardless of the fact that the attribute
  self.<attr> may already be defined (e.g. if parse() has been called before).

* For interactive use (you need <attr> only once), prefer get_<attr>() over

* Use dump('') only for temporary storage and fast re-reading. Use''). See also the *FileParser.load() docstring.

* Use relative paths in <filename>.

* If loading a dump()'ed pickle file from disk,
  then use direct attr access
  instead of
  b/c latter would simply parse self.filname again.

For debugging, we still have many getters which produce redundant
information, e.g.

    | cell + cryst_const
    | _<attr>_raw + <attr> (where <attr> = cell, forces, ...)
    | ...

especially in MD parsers, not so much in StructureFileParser drived
classes. If parse() is used, all this information retrieved and stored.

* All parsers try to return the default units of the program output, e.g. Ry,
  Bohr, tryd for PWscf; Ha, Bohr, thart for Abinit and CPMD.

* Use get_struct() / get_traj() to get a Structure / Trajectory object with
  pwtools standard units (eV, Ang, fs).

Using parse():


* Simplicity. *All* getters are called when parse() is
  invoked. You get it all.
* In theory, you can delete the file pointed to by self.filename, assuming
  all getters have extracted all information that you need.


* The object is full of (potentially big) arrays holding redundant
  information. Thus, the dump()'ed file may be large. Use the compress()
* Parsing may be slow if each getter (of possibly many) is called.

Using get_<attr>():


* You only parse what you really need.


* self.<attr> will NOT be set, since get_<attr>() only returns <attr> but
  doesn't set self.<attr> = self.get_<attr>(), so dump() would save an
  "empty" file.

import re, sys, os
from math import acos, pi, sin, cos, sqrt

from io import StringIO
import types
import warnings

import numpy as np

# fail if missing, functionas which use that will fail later
    import CifFile as pycifrw_CifFile
except ImportError:

from pwtools import (common, constants, regex, crys, atomic_data, num,
    arrayio, dcd)
from pwtools.verbose import verbose
from pwtools.base import FlexibleGetters
from pwtools.constants import Ry, Ha, eV, Bohr, Angstrom, thart, Ang, fs, ps
from pwtools.crys import UnitsHandler
com = common
pj = os.path.join

# mawk is _much_ faster than GNU awk, which is ususlly /usr/bin/awk on linux.
# This test is pretty simple-minded but very fast. Maybe add more paths if
# needed (e.g. /usr/local/bin') or use a more elaborate thing such as
#   1) distutils.spawn.find_executable
#   2) shutil.which # python 3.3
#   3) try:
# # or subprocess.Popen(...)
#      except OSError:
#          ...
# See
if os.path.exists('/usr/bin/mawk'):
    AWK = 'mawk'
    AWK = 'awk'

# General helpers

[docs] def int_from_txt(txt): if txt.strip() == '': return None else: return int(txt)
[docs] def float_from_txt(txt): if txt.strip() == '': return None else: return float(txt)
[docs] def nstep_from_txt(txt): if txt.strip() == '': return 0 else: return int(txt)
[docs] def traj_from_txt(txt, shape, axis=0, dtype=np.float64, sep=' '): """Used for 3d trajectories where the exact shape of the array as written by the MD code must be known, e.g. (nstep,N,3) where N=3 (cell, stress) or N=natoms (coords, forces, ...). We use np.fromstring for speed, so `txt` can only contain numbers and separators (white space), no comments (like "# this is the header"), which numpy.loadtxt() would handle. Parameters ---------- txt : string Text containing numbers (e.g. from ``common.backtick("grep ...")``) shape : tuple The 3d shape of the array when written along `axis` (see also arrayio.writetxt()) to text as 2d chunks and read back in as 3d array. Used to reconstruct the array. axis : int Axis along which the array was written in 2d chunks to text. (see also `axis` in arrayio.writetxt()). Used to reconstruct the array. Only axis=0 implemented. dtype, sep : passed to np.fromstring """ if txt.strip() == '': return None else: assert len(shape) == 3, ("only 3d arrays supported") assert axis == 0, ("only axis=0 implemented") # Works only for axis = 0, but this is the only case we have when # parsing MD code output. Else, some rollaxis would be needed. E.g. if # shape=(natoms,nstep,3) and therefore axis=1, then we would do # np.rollaxis(fromstring(...).reshape(shape), axis=1, start=0) -> # (nstep,natoms,3) return np.fromstring(txt, sep=sep, dtype=dtype).reshape(shape)
[docs] def arr1d_from_txt(txt, dtype=np.float64): if txt.strip() == '': return None else: ret = np.atleast_1d(np.loadtxt(StringIO(txt), dtype=dtype)) return ret
[docs] def arr2d_from_txt(txt, dtype=np.float64): if txt.strip() == '': return None else: ret = np.atleast_2d(np.loadtxt(StringIO(txt), dtype=dtype)) return ret
[docs] def axis_lens(seq, axis=0): """Return length of `axis` of all arrays in `seq`. If an entry in `seq` is None instead of an array, return 0. All arrays must have at least axis+1 dimensions, of course (i.e. axis=1 -> all arrays at least 2d). Examples -------- >>> axis_lens([arange(100), np.array([1,2,3]), None, rand(5,3)]) [100, 3, 0, 5] """ ret = [] for xx in seq: try: # handle None ret.append(xx.shape[axis]) except AttributeError: ret.append(0) return ret
#----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Parsers #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] class StructureFileParser(UnitsHandler): """Base class for single-structure parsers. """ Container = crys.Structure default_units = {}
[docs] def __init__(self, filename=None, units=None): self.parse_called = False self.filename = filename # Some parsers do # self._foo_file = os.path.join(self.basedir,'foo') # in their __init__. That should not fail if we create an instance # without passing a filename, like parser=SomeParsingClass(). So # instead of setting basedir=None by default, we set it to '.' . self.basedir = os.path.dirname(self.filename) if (self.filename is not None) else '.' UnitsHandler.__init__(self) # Each derived parser class has `default_units`, with which self.units # is updated. Then, self.units is updated from user input if we are # called as ``SomeParser(...,units=...)``. Last, self.units is passed # to Container(..., units=self.units) and units are applied there. # Clear? :) self.update_units(self.default_units) self.update_units(units) self.cont = self.Container(set_all_auto=False, units=self.units) self.init_attr_lst(self.cont.attr_lst)
[docs] def parse(self): self.set_all() self.parse_called = True
[docs] def get_cont(self, auto_calc=True): """Populate and return a Container object. Parameters ---------- auto_calc : bool Auto-calculation of missing attributes in Container after passing parsed data by calling ``set_all()``. | True: call ``Container.set_all()`` = | ``Container._extend_arrays_apply_units()`` + | ``FlexibleGetters.set_all()`` | False: call only ``Container._extend_arrays_apply_units()`` """ if not self.parse_called: self.parse() for attr_name in self.cont.attr_lst: setattr(self.cont, attr_name, getattr(self, attr_name)) if auto_calc: self.cont.set_all() else: self.cont._extend_arrays_apply_units() assert self.cont.units_applied, "Container units not applied" return self.cont
[docs] def apply_units(self): raise NotImplementedError("don't use that in parsers")
[docs] def get_struct(self, **kwds): return self.get_cont(**kwds)
[docs] class TrajectoryFileParser(StructureFileParser): """Base class for MD-like parsers.""" Container = crys.Trajectory # timeaxis in Trajectory defined before __init__, so we don't need to # instantiate the object timeaxis = Container.timeaxis
[docs] def get_struct(self, **kwds): raise NotImplementedError("use get_traj()")
[docs] def get_traj(self, **kwds): return self.get_cont(**kwds)
[docs] class CifFile(StructureFileParser): """Parse Cif file. Uses PyCifRW [1]_. References ---------- .. [1] """
[docs] def __init__(self, filename=None, block=None, *args, **kwds): """ Parameters ---------- filename : name of the input file block : data block name (i.e. 'data_foo' in the Cif file -> 'foo' here). If None then the first data block in the file is used. """ self.block = block StructureFileParser.__init__(self, filename=filename, *args, **kwds) # only the ones for which we have getters self.attr_lst = [\ 'coords_frac', 'coords', 'symbols', 'cryst_const', ] self.init_attr_lst()
[docs] def cif_str2float(self, st): """'7.3782(7)' -> 7.3782""" if '(' in st: st = re.match(r'(' + regex.float_re + r')(\(.*)', st).group(1) return float(st)
[docs] def cif_clear_atom_symbol(self, st, rex=re.compile(r'([a-zA-Z]+)([0-9+-]*)')): """Remove digits and "+,-" from atom names. Examples -------- >>> cif_clear_atom_symbol('Al1') 'Al' """ return rex.match(st).group(1)
def _get_cif_dct(self): # celldm from a,b,c and alpha,beta,gamma # alpha = angbe between b,c # beta = angbe between a,c # gamma = angbe between a,b self.try_set_attr('_cif_block') cif_dct = {} for x in ['a', 'b', 'c']: what = '_cell_length_' + x cif_dct[x] = self.cif_str2float(self._cif_block[what]) for x in ['alpha', 'beta', 'gamma']: what = '_cell_angle_' + x cif_dct[x] = self.cif_str2float(self._cif_block[what]) return cif_dct def _get_cif_block(self): cf = pycifrw_CifFile.ReadCif(self.filename) if self.block is None: cif_block = cf.first_block() else: cif_block = cf['data_' + self.block] return cif_block
[docs] def get_coords_frac(self): if self.check_set_attr('_cif_block'): if '_atom_site_fract_x' in self._cif_block: arr = np.array([list(map(self.cif_str2float, [x,y,z])) for x,y,z in zip( self._cif_block['_atom_site_fract_x'], self._cif_block['_atom_site_fract_y'], self._cif_block['_atom_site_fract_z'])]) return arr else: return None else: return None
[docs] def get_coords(self): if self.check_set_attr('_cif_block'): if '_atom_site_Cartn_x' in self._cif_block: arr = np.array([list(map(self.cif_str2float, [x,y,z])) for x,y,z in zip( self._cif_block['_atom_site_Cartn_x'], self._cif_block['_atom_site_Cartn_y'], self._cif_block['_atom_site_Cartn_z'])]) return arr else: return None else: return None
[docs] def get_symbols(self): self.try_set_attr('_cif_block') try_lst = ['_atom_site_type_symbol', '_atom_site_label'] for entry in try_lst: if entry in self._cif_block: return list(map(self.cif_clear_atom_symbol, self._cif_block[entry])) return None
[docs] def get_cryst_const(self): self.try_set_attr('_cif_dct') return np.array([self._cif_dct[key] for key in \ ['a', 'b', 'c', 'alpha', 'beta', 'gamma']])
[docs] class PDBFile(StructureFileParser): """Very very simple pdb file parser. Extract only ATOM/HETATM and CRYST1 (if present) records. If you want smth serious, check biopython or openbabel. Notes ----- self.cryst_const : If no CRYST1 record is found, this is None. parsing: We use regexes which may not work for more complicated ATOM records. We don't use the strict column numbers for each field as stated in the PDB spec. """ # Notes: # # Grep atom symbols and coordinates in Angstrom ([A]) from PDB file. # Note that for the atom symbols, we do NOT use the columns 77-78 # ("Element symbol"), b/c that is apparently not present in all the # files which we currently use. Instead, we use the columns 13-16, i.e. # "Atom name". Note that in general this is not the element symbol. # # From the PDB spec v3.20: # # ATOM record: # # COLUMNS DATA TYPE FIELD DEFINITION # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # 1 - 6 Record name "ATOM " # 7 - 11 Integer serial Atom serial number. # 13 - 16 Atom name Atom name. # 17 Character altLoc Alternate location indicator. # 18 - 20 Residue name resName Residue name. # 22 Character chainID Chain identifier. # 23 - 26 Integer resSeq Residue sequence number. # 27 AChar iCode Code for insertion of residues. # 31 - 38 Real(8.3) x Orthogonal coordinates for X in Angstroms. # 39 - 46 Real(8.3) y Orthogonal coordinates for Y in Angstroms. # 47 - 54 Real(8.3) z Orthogonal coordinates for Z in Angstroms. # 55 - 60 Real(6.2) occupancy Occupancy. # 61 - 66 Real(6.2) tempFactor Temperature factor. # 77 - 78 LString(2) element Element symbol, right-justified. # 79 - 80 LString(2) charge Charge on the atom. # # CRYST1 record: # # COLUMNS DATA TYPE FIELD DEFINITION # ------------------------------------------------------------- # 1 - 6 Record name "CRYST1" # 7 - 15 Real(9.3) a a (Angstroms). # 16 - 24 Real(9.3) b b (Angstroms). # 25 - 33 Real(9.3) c c (Angstroms). # 34 - 40 Real(7.2) alpha alpha (degrees). # 41 - 47 Real(7.2) beta beta (degrees). # 48 - 54 Real(7.2) gamma gamma (degrees). # 56 - 66 LString sGroup Space group. # 67 - 70 Integer z Z value. #
[docs] def __init__(self, filename=None, *args, **kwds): StructureFileParser.__init__(self, filename=filename, *args, **kwds) # only the ones for which we have getters self.attr_lst = [\ 'coords', 'symbols', 'cryst_const', ] self.init_attr_lst() if self.filename is not None: self.txt = common.file_read(self.filename)
def _get_coords_data(self): pat = r'(ATOM|HETATM)[\s0-9]+([A-Za-z]+)[\sa-zA-Z0-9]*' + \ r'[\s0-9]+((\s+'+ regex.float_re + r'){3}?)' # array of string type return np.array([[] + for m in \ re.finditer(pat,self.txt)])
[docs] def get_symbols(self): # list of strings (system:nat,) # Fix atom names, e.g. "AL" -> Al. Note that this is only needed b/c we # use the "wrong" column "Atom name". self.try_set_attr('_coords_data') symbols = [] for sym in self._coords_data[:,0]: if len(sym) == 2: symbols.append(sym[0] + sym[1].lower()) else: symbols.append(sym) return symbols
[docs] def get_coords(self): self.try_set_attr('_coords_data') # float array, (system:nat, 3) return self._coords_data[:,1:].astype(float)
[docs] def get_cryst_const(self): # grep CRYST1 record, extract only crystallographic constants # example: # CRYST1 52.000 58.600 61.900 90.00 90.00 90.00 P 21 21 21 8 # a b c alpha beta gamma |space grp| z-value pat = r'CRYST1\s+((\s+' + regex.float_re + r'){6}).*' match =, self.txt) return np.array(
[docs] class PwSCFOutputFile(StructureFileParser): r"""Parse a pw.x SCF output file (calculation='scf'). Some getters (_get_<attr>_raw) work for MD-like output, too. Here in the SCF case, only the first item along the time axis is returned and should only be used on calculation='scf' output. SCF output files don't have an ATOMIC_POSITIONS block. We need to parse the block below, which can be found at the top the file (cartesian, divided by alat). From that, we also get symbols:: Cartesian axes site n. atom positions (a_0 units) 1 Al tau( 1) = ( -0.0000050 0.5773532 0.0000000 ) 2 Al tau( 2) = ( 0.5000050 0.2886722 0.8000643 ) 3 N tau( 3) = ( -0.0000050 0.5773532 0.6208499 ) 4 N tau( 4) = ( 0.5000050 0.2886722 1.4209142 ) Many quantities in PWscf's output files are always in units of the lattice vector "a" (= a_0 = celldm1 = "alat" [Bohr]), i.e. divided by that value, which is usually printed in the output in low precision:: lattice parameter (a_0) = 5.8789 a.u. You can parse that value with ``get_alat(use_alat=True)``. We do that by default: ``PwSCFOutputFile(filename, use_alat=True)`` b/c this is what most people will expect if they just call the parser on some file. Then, we multiply all relevent quantities with dimension length with the alat value from pw.out automatically. If ``use_alat=False``, we use ``alat=1.0``, i.e. all length quantities which are "in alat units" are returned exactly as found in the file, which is the same behavior as in all other parsers. Unit conversion happens only when we pass things to Structure / Trajectory using self.units. If you need/want to use another alat (i.e. a value with more precision), then you need to explicitly provide that value and use ``use_alat=False``:: >>> alat = 1.23456789 # high precision value in Bohr >>> pp = PwSCFOutputFile('pw.out', use_alat=False, units={'length': alat*Bohr/Ang}) >>> st = pp.get_struct() ``use_alat=False`` will prevent parsing the low precision value from 'pw.out'. The option ``units=...`` will overwrite ``default_units['length'] = Bohr/Ang``, which is used to convert all PWscf length [Bohr] to [Ang] when passing things to Trajectory. In either case, all quantities with a length unit or derived from such a quantitiy, e.g. | cell | cryst_const | coords | coords_frac | volume | ... will be correct (up to alat's precision). All getters return PWscf standard units (Ry, Bohr, ...). It is a special case for PWscf that a parser class may modify values parsed from a file (multiply by alat if use_alat=True, etc) *before* they are passed over to Structure / Trajectory b/c otherwise the numbers would be pretty useless, unless you use `units` explicitely. To get an object with pwtools standard units (eV, Angstrom, ...), use :meth:`get_struct`. Notes ----- Total force: Pwscf writes a "Total Force" after the "Forces acting on atoms" section . This value a UNnormalized RMS of the force matrix (f_ij, i=1,natoms j=1,2,3) printed. According to .../PW/forces.f90, variable "sumfor", the "Total Force" is ``sqrt(sum_ij f_ij^2)``. Use ``crys.rms(self.forces)`` (for PwSCFOutputFile) or ``crys.rms3d(self.forces, axis=self.timeaxis)`` (for PwMDOutputFile) instead. Verbose force printing: When using van der Waals (``london=.true.``) or ``verbosity='high'``, then more than one force block (natoms,3) is printed. In that case, we assume the first block to be the sum of all force contributions and that will end up in ``self.forces``. Each subsequent block is discarded from ``self.forces``. However, you may use ``self._forces_raw`` (see ``self._get_forces_raw()``) to obtain all forces, which will have the shape (N*natoms). The forces blocks will be in the following order: ===================== ===================== ======================= ``london=.true.`` ``verbosity='high'`` ``verbosity='high'`` + ``london=.true.`` ===================== ===================== ======================= sum sum sum vdw non-local non-local \ ionic ionic \ local local \ core core \ Hubbard Hubbard \ SCF correction SCF correction \ \ vdw ===================== ===================== ======================= Note that this order may change with QE versions, check your output file! Tested w/ QE 4.3.2 . """ # self.timeaxis: This is the hardcoded time axis. It must be done # this way b/c getters returning a >2d array cannot determine the shape # of the returned array auttomatically based on the self.timeaxis # setting alone. If you want to change this, then manually fix the # "shape" kwarg to arrayio.readtxt() in all getters which return a 3d array. default_units = \ {'energy': Ry / eV, # Ry -> eV 'length': Bohr / Angstrom, # Bohr -> Angstrom 'forces': Ry / eV * Angstrom / Bohr, # Ry / Bohr -> eV / Angstrom 'stress': 0.1, # kbar -> GPa }
[docs] def __init__(self, filename=None, use_alat=True, **kwds): StructureFileParser.__init__(self, filename=filename, **kwds) self.timeaxis = crys.Trajectory(set_all_auto=False).timeaxis self.attr_lst = [\ 'coords', 'symbols', 'stress', 'etot', 'forces', 'nstep_scf', 'cell', 'natoms', 'nkpoints', 'scf_converged', ] self.use_alat = use_alat self.init_attr_lst()
def _get_stress_raw(self): verbose("getting _stress_raw") key = 'P=' cmd = "grep -c %s %s" %(key, self.filename) nstep = nstep_from_txt(com.backtick(cmd)) if nstep > 0: cmd = "grep -A3 '%s' %s | grep -v -e %s -e '--'| \ %s '{print $4\" \"$5\" \"$6}'" \ %(key, self.filename, key, AWK) return traj_from_txt(com.backtick(cmd), shape=(nstep,3,3), axis=self.timeaxis) else: return None def _get_etot_raw(self): verbose("getting _etot_raw") cmd = r"grep '^!' %s | %s '{print $5}'" %(self.filename, AWK) return arr1d_from_txt(com.backtick(cmd)) def _get_forces_raw(self): verbose("getting _forces_raw") if self.check_set_attr('natoms'): # nstep: get it from outfile b/c the value in any input file will be # wrong if the output file is a concatenation of multiple smaller files key = r'Forces\s+acting\s+on\s+atoms.*$' cmd = r"egrep -c '%s' %s" %(key.replace(r'\s', r'[ ]'), self.filename) nstep = nstep_from_txt(com.backtick(cmd)) if nstep > 0: # Need to split traj_from_txt() up into loadtxt() + arr2d_to_3d() b/c # we need to get `nlines` first without an additional "grep -c # ..." cmd = "grep 'atom.*type.*force' %s \ | %s '{print $7\" \"$8\" \"$9}'" %(self.filename, AWK) arr2d = arr2d_from_txt(com.backtick(cmd)) nlines = arr2d.shape[0] # nlines_block = number of force lines per step = N*natoms nlines_block = nlines // nstep assert nlines_block % self.natoms == 0, ("nlines_block forces doesn't " "match natoms") return arrayio.arr2d_to_3d(arr2d, shape=(nstep,nlines_block,3), axis=self.timeaxis) else: return None else: return None def _get_nstep_scf_raw(self): verbose("getting _nstep_scf_raw") cmd = r"grep 'convergence has been achieved in' %s | %s '{print $6}'" \ %(self.filename, AWK) return arr1d_from_txt(com.backtick(cmd), dtype=int) def _get_coords_symbols(self): """Grep start coords and symbols from pw.out header. This is always in cartesian alat units (i.e. divided by alat) and printed with low precision. """ verbose("getting start coords") self.try_set_attr('natoms') natoms = self.natoms # coords cmd = r"egrep -m1 -A%i 'site.*atom.*positions.*units.*\)' %s | tail -n%i | \ sed -re 's/.*\((.*)\)/\1/g'" \ %(natoms, self.filename, natoms) coords = arr2d_from_txt(com.backtick(cmd)) cmd = r"egrep -m1 -A%i 'site.*atom.*positions.*units.*\)' %s | tail -n%i | \ %s '{print $2}'" \ %(natoms, self.filename, natoms, AWK) symbols = com.backtick(cmd).strip().split() return {'coords': coords, 'symbols': symbols} def _get_cell_2d(self): """Start 2d cell in alat units. Grep start cell from pw.out. Multiplication by alat in :meth:`get_cell`. The cell in pw.out is always in alat units (divided by alat) but printed with much less precision compared to the input file. If you need this information for further calculations, use the input file value.""" cmd = "egrep -m1 -A3 'crystal.*axes.*units.*(a_0|alat)' %s | tail -n3 | \ %s '{print $4\" \"$5\" \"$6}'" %(self.filename, AWK) return arr2d_from_txt(com.backtick(cmd))
[docs] def get_alat(self, use_alat=None): """Lattice parameter "alat" [Bohr]. If use_alat or self.use_alat is False, return 1.0, i.e. disbale alat. Parameters ---------- use_alat : bool Set use_alat and override self.use_alat. """ use_alat = self.use_alat if use_alat is None else use_alat if use_alat: cmd = r"grep -m1 'lattice parameter' %s | \ sed -re 's/.*=(.*)\s+a\.u\./\1/'" %self.filename return float_from_txt(com.backtick(cmd)) else: return 1.0
[docs] def get_coords(self): """Cartesian start coords [Bohr] if self.alat in [Bohr].""" verbose("getting coords") if self.check_set_attr_lst(['_coords_symbols', 'alat']): return self._coords_symbols['coords'] * self.alat else: return None
[docs] def get_symbols(self): verbose("getting symbols") if self.check_set_attr('_coords_symbols'): return self._coords_symbols['symbols'] else: return None
[docs] def get_stress(self): """Stress tensor [kbar].""" return self.raw_slice_get('stress', sl=0, axis=self.timeaxis)
[docs] def get_etot(self): """Total enery [Ry].""" return self.raw_slice_get('etot', sl=0, axis=0)
[docs] def get_forces(self): """Forces [Ry / Bohr].""" if self.check_set_attr('natoms'): # Assume that the first forces block printed are the forces on the # ions. Skip vdw forces or whatever else is printed after that. # Users can use self._forces_raw if they want and know what is # printed in which order in the output file. forces = self.raw_slice_get('forces', sl=0, axis=self.timeaxis) return None if forces is None else forces[:self.natoms,:] else: return None
[docs] def get_nstep_scf(self): return self.raw_slice_get('nstep_scf', sl=0, axis=0)
[docs] def get_cell(self): """Start cell [Bohr]. Apply self.alat unit to _cell_2d.""" if self.check_set_attr_lst(['_cell_2d', 'alat']): return self._cell_2d * self.alat else: return None
[docs] def get_natoms(self): verbose("getting natoms") cmd = r"grep -m 1 'number.*atoms/cell' %s | \ sed -re 's/.*=\s+([0-9]+).*/\1/'" %self.filename return int_from_txt(com.backtick(cmd))
[docs] def get_nkpoints(self): verbose("getting nkpoints") cmd = r"grep -m 1 'number of k points=' %s | \ sed -re 's/.*points=\s*([0-9]+)\s*.*/\1/'" %self.filename return int_from_txt(com.backtick(cmd))
[docs] def get_scf_converged(self): verbose("getting scf_converged") cmd = "grep 'convergence has been achieved in.*iterations' %s" %self.filename if com.backtick(cmd).strip() != "": return True else: return False
[docs] class PwMDOutputFile(TrajectoryFileParser, PwSCFOutputFile): """Parse pw.x MD-like output. Tested so far: md, relax, vc-relax. For vc-md, see PwVCMDOutputFile. Notes ----- Units: Notes on units for PwSCFOutputFile, esp. alat, apply here as well. Additionally, the ATOMIC_POSITIONS and CELL_PARAMETERS blocks can have an optional unit, which we account for. See get_cell(), get_coords() and methods called in there. | ATOMIC_POSITIONS <empty> | bohr | angstrom | alat | crystal | CELL_PARAMETERS <empty> | (alat=...) | bohr | angstrom | alat In each case, the quantity is multiplied by alat if applicable and converted to Bohr, which is PWscf's default length, and later to Ang by default (or whatever self.units['length'] does). Initial SCF run: A special "feature" of pwscf is that SCF coords+cell output is printed differently from MD-like output (where we have ATOMIC_POSITIONS and CELL_PARAMETERS blocks). Since this parser uses only the latter, the first etot+coords+cell+stress+... is skipped, i.e. the complete iteration=0 = initial SCF run. Therefore, if you use ``tr=io.read_pw_md('pw.out')``, ``tr[0]`` is actually NOT your start input structure! It is the first structure of the MD/relax. This may be a problem if you need to accurately calculate differences between initial and final relax structs, for instance. Then use:: >>> st = io.read_pw_scf('pw.out') # parse initial SCF output only: step=0 >>> tr_md = io.read_pw_md('pw.out') # parse MD-like output: step=1...end >>> tr = crys.concatenate((st, tr_md)) """
[docs] def __init__(self, filename=None, use_alat=True, **kwds): # update default_units *before* calling base class' __init__, where # self.units is assembled from default_units self.default_units.update({'time': constants.tryd / constants.fs}) TrajectoryFileParser.__init__(self, filename=filename, **kwds) self.attr_lst = [\ 'coords', 'coords_frac', 'symbols', 'stress', 'etot', 'ekin', 'temperature', 'forces', 'nstep_scf', 'cell', 'natoms', 'nkpoints', 'timestep', ] self.init_attr_lst() self.use_alat = use_alat
def _get_block_header_unit(self, key): """Parse things like ATOMIC_POSITIONS -> None ATOMIC_POSITIONS unit -> unit ATOMIC_POSITIONS (unit) -> unit ATOMIC_POSITIONS {unit} -> unit CELL_PARAMETERS (alat=1.23) -> alat Parameters ---------- key : str (e.g. 'ATOMIC_POSITIONS') Returns ------- str : unit """ assert key not in ['', None], "got illegal string" cmd = 'grep -m1 %s %s' %(key, self.filename) tmp = com.backtick(cmd).strip() for sym in ['(', ')', '{', '}']: tmp = tmp.replace(sym, '') tmp = tmp.split() if len(tmp) < 2: return None else: return tmp[1].split('=')[0] def _get_coords(self): """Parse ATOMIC_POSITIONS block. Unit is handled by get_coords_unit().""" verbose("getting _coords") if self.check_set_attr('natoms'): self.try_set_attr('natoms') natoms = self.natoms # nstep: get it from outfile b/c the value in any input file will be # wrong if the output file is a concatenation of multiple smaller files key = 'ATOMIC_POSITIONS' cmd = 'grep -c %s %s' %(key, self.filename) nstep = nstep_from_txt(com.backtick(cmd)) # coords cmd = "grep -A%i '%s' %s | grep -v -e %s -e '--' | \ %s '{print $2\" \"$3\" \"$4}'" \ %(natoms, key, self.filename, key, AWK) return traj_from_txt(com.backtick(cmd), shape=(nstep,natoms,3), axis=self.timeaxis) else: return None def _get_cell_3d(self): """Parse CELL_PARAMETERS block. The block unit is ignored here. Only the content of the block is parsed (i.e. the CELL_PARAMETERS as they are in the file). See also ``_get_block_header_unit()`` and ``get_cell``. """ verbose("getting _cell_3d") # nstep key = 'CELL_PARAMETERS' cmd = 'grep -c %s %s' %(key, self.filename) nstep = nstep_from_txt(com.backtick(cmd)) # cell cmd = "grep -A3 %s %s | grep -v -e %s -e '--'" %(key, self.filename, key) return traj_from_txt(com.backtick(cmd), shape=(nstep,3,3), axis=self.timeaxis) def _get_cell_3d_factors(self): """Parse CELL_PARAMETERS unit factor printed at each time step. :: CELL_PARAMETERS (alat= 22.75306514) Returns ------- alat_values : 1d array (nstep,) or None 1d array with alat for each time step if 'CELL_PARAMETERS.*alat' is found; None if not found or if use_alat=False. Notes ----- During one run, that alat value doesn't change and is the same as alat returned by ``get_alat()``. But it is needed if you parse an output file which is a concatenation of multiple smaller files from vc-md runs where that alat value has changed. This happens if a vc-md is restarted. Then the new alat in the restart run is that of the last cell of the old run. """ cmd = 'grep -m1 CELL_PARAMETERS.*alat.*= %s' %self.filename if com.backtick(cmd).strip() == '': return None else: if self.use_alat: cmd = r"grep CELL_PARAMETERS %s | sed -re 's/.*alat.*=\s*(" \ %self.filename + regex.float_re + r")\)*.*/\1/g'" return arr1d_from_txt(com.backtick(cmd)) else: return None def _match_nstep(self, arr): """Get nstep from _coords.shape[0] and return the last nstep steps from the array `arr` along self.timeaxis. Used to match forces,stress,... etc to coords b/c for MDs, the former ones are always one step longer b/c of stuff printed in the first SCF loop before the MD starts.""" if arr is not None: if self.check_set_attr('_coords'): nstep = self._coords.shape[self.timeaxis] if arr.shape[self.timeaxis] > nstep: return num.slicetake(arr, slice(-nstep,None,None), axis=self.timeaxis) else: return arr else: return None else: return None
[docs] def get_coords_unit(self): verbose("getting coords_unit") return self._get_block_header_unit('ATOMIC_POSITIONS')
[docs] def get_cell_unit(self): verbose("getting cell_unit") return self._get_block_header_unit('CELL_PARAMETERS')
[docs] def get_coords(self): """Cartesian coords [Bohr]. If coords_unit='alat', then [Bohr] if self.alat in [Bohr].""" if self.check_set_attr_lst(['_coords', 'coords_unit', 'alat']): if self.coords_unit in ['bohr', None]: return self._coords elif self.coords_unit == 'alat': return self._coords * self.alat elif self.coords_unit == 'angstrom': return self._coords * Angstrom / Bohr else: return None else: return None
[docs] def get_cell(self): """Cell [Bohr]. Return 3d array from CELL_PARAMETERS or 2d array self._cell_2d. Beware: complicated units logic ahead!""" # From the manual, regarding the unit of CELL_PARAMETERS in the input # file: # # bohr / angstrom: lattice vectors in bohr radii / angstrom. # alat or nothing specified: if a lattice constant (celldm(1) # or a) is present, lattice vectors are in units of the lattice # constant; otherwise, in bohr radii or angstrom, as specified. # # .. yo! # MD-like case if self.check_set_attr('_cell_3d'): # CELL_PARAMETERS (alat=...) | bohr | angstrom | alat if self.check_set_attr('cell_unit'): if self.cell_unit == 'bohr': return self._cell_3d elif self.cell_unit == 'alat': if self.check_set_attr('_cell_3d_factors'): return self._cell_3d * self._cell_3d_factors[:,None,None] elif self.check_set_attr('alat'): return self._cell_3d * self.alat else: return None elif self.cell_unit == 'angstrom': return self._cell_3d * Angstrom / Bohr else: return None # CELL_PARAMETERS <empty> else: if self.check_set_attr('alat'): return self._cell_3d * self.alat else: return None # return start cell 2d, will be broadcast to 3d in Trajectory elif self.check_set_attr_lst(['_cell_2d', 'alat']): return self._cell_2d * self.alat else: return None
[docs] def get_coords_frac(self): """Fractional coords.""" if self.check_set_attr_lst(['_coords', 'coords_unit']): if self.coords_unit == 'crystal': return self._coords else: return None else: return None
[docs] def get_ekin(self): """Ion kinetic energy [Ry].""" verbose("getting ekin") cmd = r"grep 'kinetic energy' %s | %s '{print $5}'" %(self.filename, AWK) return arr1d_from_txt(com.backtick(cmd))
[docs] def get_temperature(self): """Temperature [K]""" verbose("getting temperature") cmd = r"egrep 'temperature[ ]*=' %s " %self.filename + \ r"| sed -re 's/.*temp.*=\s*(" + regex.float_re + \ r")\s*K/\1/'" return arr1d_from_txt(com.backtick(cmd))
[docs] def get_timestep(self): """Time step [tryd].""" cmd = r"grep -m1 'Time.*step' %s | sed -re \ 's/.*step\s+=\s+(.*)a.u..*/\1/'" %self.filename return float_from_txt(com.backtick(cmd))
[docs] def get_stress(self): """Stress tensor [kbar].""" return self._match_nstep(self.raw_return('stress'))
[docs] def get_etot(self): """[Ry] """ return self._match_nstep(self.raw_return('etot'))
[docs] def get_forces(self): """[Ry / Bohr] """ if self.check_set_attr('natoms'): forces = self._match_nstep(self.raw_return('forces')) return forces[:,:self.natoms,:] else: return None
[docs] def get_nstep_scf(self): return self.raw_return('nstep_scf')
[docs] class PwVCMDOutputFile(PwMDOutputFile): """Parse only calculation='vc-md'."""
[docs] def __init__(self, *args, **kwds): PwMDOutputFile.__init__(self, *args, **kwds) self.set_attr_lst(self.attr_lst + ['econst'])
def _get_datadct(self): verbose("getting _datadct") cmd = "grep 'Ekin.*T.*Etot' %s \ | %s '{print $3\" \"$7\" \"$11}'" %(self.filename, AWK) ret_str = com.backtick(cmd) if ret_str.strip() == '': return None else: data = np.atleast_2d(np.loadtxt(StringIO(ret_str))) return {'ekin': data[:,0], 'temperature': data[:,1], 'econst': data[:,2]}
[docs] def get_ekin(self): verbose("getting ekin") self.try_set_attr('_datadct') return self._datadct['ekin']
[docs] def get_econst(self): verbose("getting econst") self.try_set_attr('_datadct') return self._datadct['econst']
[docs] def get_temperature(self): verbose("getting temperature") self.try_set_attr('_datadct') return self._datadct['temperature']
[docs] class CpmdSCFOutputFile(StructureFileParser): """Parse output from a CPMD "single point calculation" (wave function optimization). Some extra files are assumed to be in the same directory as self.filename. extra files:: GEOMETRY.scale Notes ----- * The SYSTEM section must have SCALE such that a file GEOMETRY.scale is written. * To have forces in the output, use PRINT ON FORCES COORDINATES in the CPMD section:: &CPMD OPTIMIZE WAVEFUNCTION CONVERGENCE ORBITALS 1.0d-7 PRINT ON FORCES COORDINATES STRESS TENSOR 1 ODIIS NO_RESET=10 20 MAXITER 100 FILEPATH /tmp &END &SYSTEM SCALE .... &END """ default_units = \ {'energy': Ha / eV, # Ha -> eV 'length': Bohr / Angstrom, # Bohr -> Angstrom 'forces': Ha / eV * Angstrom / Bohr, # Ha / Bohr -> eV / Angstrom 'stress': 0.1, # kbar -> GPa }
[docs] def __init__(self, *args, **kwds): StructureFileParser.__init__(self, *args, **kwds) self.attr_lst = [\ 'cell', 'stress', 'etot', 'coords_frac', 'symbols', 'forces', 'natoms', 'nkpoints', 'nstep_scf', 'scf_converged', ] self.init_attr_lst()
def _get_coords_forces(self): """Low precision cartesian coords [Bohr] + forces [Ha / Bohr] I guess. Only printed in this form if we use &CPMD PRINT ON COORDINATES FORCES &END Forces with more precision are printed in the files TRAJECTORY or FTRAJECTORY, but only for MD runs. """ verbose("getting _coords_forces") self.try_set_attr('natoms') if self.is_set_attr('natoms'): cmd = "egrep -A%i 'ATOM[ ]+COORDINATES[ ]+GRADIENTS' %s \ | tail -n%i \ | %s '{print $3\" \"$4\" \"$5\" \"$6\" \"$7\" \"$8}'" \ %(self.natoms, self.filename, self.natoms, AWK) return arr2d_from_txt(com.backtick(cmd)) else: return None def _get_scale_file(self): """Read GEOMETRY.scale file with fractional coords.""" fn = os.path.join(self.basedir, 'GEOMETRY.scale') if os.path.exists(fn): cmd = "grep -A3 'CELL MATRIX (BOHR)' %s | tail -n3" %fn cell = arr2d_from_txt(com.backtick(cmd)) self.assert_set_attr('natoms') cmd = "grep -A%i 'SCALED ATOMIC COORDINATES' %s | tail -n%i" \ %(self.natoms, fn, self.natoms) arr = arr2d_from_txt(com.backtick(cmd), dtype=str) coords_frac = arr[:,:3].astype(np.float64) symbols = arr[:,3].tolist() return {'coords_frac': coords_frac, 'symbols': symbols, 'cell': cell} else: return None def _get_cell_2d(self): """2d array `cell` [Bohr] for fixed-cell MD or SCF from GEOMETRY.scale file.""" verbose("getting _cell_2d") if self.check_set_attr('_scale_file'): return self._scale_file['cell'] else: return None
[docs] def get_cell(self): """2d cell [Bohr]""" verbose("getting cell") return self.get_return_attr('_cell_2d')
[docs] def get_stress(self): """[kbar]""" verbose("getting stress") cmd = "grep -A3 'TOTAL STRESS TENSOR' %s | tail -n3" %self.filename return arr2d_from_txt(com.backtick(cmd))
[docs] def get_etot(self): """[Ha]""" verbose("getting etot") cmd = r"grep 'TOTAL ENERGY =' %s | tail -n1 | %s '{print $5}'" \ %(self.filename, AWK) return float_from_txt(com.backtick(cmd))
[docs] def get_coords_frac(self): verbose("getting coords_frac") if self.check_set_attr('_scale_file'): return self._scale_file['coords_frac'] else: return None
[docs] def get_symbols(self): verbose("getting symbols") if self.check_set_attr('_scale_file'): return self._scale_file['symbols'] else: return None
[docs] def get_forces(self): """[Ha / Bohr]""" verbose("getting forces") if self.check_set_attr('_coords_forces'): return self._coords_forces[:,3:] else: return None
[docs] def get_natoms(self): """Number of atoms. Apparently only printed as "NUMBER OF ATOMS ..." in the SCF case, not in MD. So we use "grep -c" on the GEOMETRY file, which has `natoms` lines (normally) and 6 colunms. Sometimes (so far seen in variable cell calcs) there are some additional lines w/ 3 columns, which we skip.""" verbose("getting natoms") fn = os.path.join(self.basedir, 'GEOMETRY') if os.path.exists(fn): cmd = "egrep -c '([0-9][ ]+.*){5,}' %s" %fn return int_from_txt(com.backtick(cmd)) else: return None
[docs] def get_nkpoints(self): verbose("getting nkpoints") cmd = r"grep 'NUMBER OF SPECIAL K POINTS' %s | \ sed -re 's/.*COORDINATES\):\s*([0-9]+)\s*.*/\1/'" %self.filename return int_from_txt(com.backtick(cmd))
[docs] def get_nstep_scf(self): verbose("getting nstep_scf") cmd = r"grep -B2 'RESTART INFORMATION WRITTEN' %s | head -n1 \ | %s '{print $1}'" %(self.filename, AWK) return int_from_txt(com.backtick(cmd))
[docs] def get_scf_converged(self): verbose("getting scf_converged") cmd = "grep 'BUT NO CONVERGENCE' %s" %self.filename if com.backtick(cmd).strip() == "": return True else: return False
[docs] class CpmdMDOutputFile(TrajectoryFileParser, CpmdSCFOutputFile): """Parse CPMD MD output. Works with BO-MD and CP-MD, fixed and variable cell. Some attrs may be None or have different shapes (2d va 3d arrays) depending on what type of MD is parsed and what info/files are available. Notes for the comments below:: {A,B,C} = A or B or C (A) = A is optional (A (B)) = A is optional, but only if present, B is optional Extra files which will be parsed and MUST be present:: GEOMETRY.scale GEOMETRY TRAJECTORY ENERGIES Extra files which will be parsed and MAY be present depending on the type of MD:: (FTRAJECTORY) (CELL) (STRESS) Notes ----- The input should look like that:: &CPMD MOLECULAR DYNAMICS {BO,CP} (PARRINELLO-RAHMAN (NPT)) PRINT ON FORCES COORDINATES TRAJECTORY XYZ FORCES STRESS TENSOR <step> ... &END &SYSTEM SCALE ... &END Tested with CPMD 3.15.1, the following extra files are always written:: GEOMETRY.scale GEOMETRY TRAJECTORY ENERGIES In the listing below, we show which extra files are written (+) or not (-) if the input follows the example above. Also, the order of columns in the ENERGIES file depends on what type of MD we are running. In case of BO-MD it depends on the kind of wavefunction optimizer, too! This is most unpleasant. Currently we rely on the fact that each tested case has a different number of columns, but this is very hackish b/c it is not guaranteed to be unique! Maybe, we should let the user set self.energies_order or a keywords mdtype={'cp-npt', 'bo', etc} instead of subclassed for each case. This is what we tested so far (cpmd 3.15.1). For BO-MD + ODIIS, some columns are always 0.0, but all are there (e.g. EKINC is there but 0.0 b/c not defined for BO, only CP). For BO-MD, we list the wf optimizer (xxx for CP b/c there is none):: MOLECULAR DYNAMICS BO +FTRAJECTORY -CELL -STRESS # why!? ODISS NFI EKINC TEMPP EKS ECLASSIC EHAM DIS TCPU LANCZOS DIAGONALIZATION NFI TEMPP EKS ECLASSIC DIS TCPU MOLECULAR DYNAMICS CP +FTRAJECTORY -CELL +STRESS xxx NFI EKINC TEMPP EKS ECLASSIC EHAM DIS TCPU MOLECULAR DYNAMICS BO PARRINELLO-RAHMAN not implemented ! MOLECULAR DYNAMICS CP PARRINELLO-RAHMAN -FTRAJECTORY # why!? +CELL +STRESS xxx NFI EKINC EKINH TEMPP EKS ECLASSIC EHAM DIS TCPU MOLECULAR DYNAMICS BO PARRINELLO-RAHMAN NPT -FTRAJECTORY # why!? +CELL +STRESS ODIIS NFI EKINC EKINH TEMPP EKS ECLASSIC EHAM DIS TCPU MOLECULAR DYNAMICS CP PARRINELLO-RAHMAN NPT -FTRAJECTORY # why!? +CELL +STRESS xxx NFI EKINC EKINH TEMPP EKS ECLASSIC EHAM DIS TCPU """
[docs] def __init__(self, *args, **kwds): """ Parameters ---------- filename : file to parse """ self.default_units.update(\ {'time': constants.thart / constants.fs, # thart -> fs 'velocity': Bohr / Ang * fs / thart, # Bohr / thart -> Ang / fs }) TrajectoryFileParser.__init__(self, *args, **kwds) self.attr_lst = [\ 'cell', 'coords', 'econst', 'ekin', 'ekin_cell', 'ekin_elec', 'etot', 'forces', 'natoms', 'stress', 'symbols', 'temperature', 'temperature_cell', 'timestep', 'velocity', ] self.init_attr_lst() self._energies_order = {\ 9:\ {'nfi': 0, 'ekinc': 1, 'ekinh': 2, 'tempp': 3, 'eks': 4, 'eclassic': 5, 'eham': 6, 'dis': 7, 'tcpu': 8}, 8:\ {'nfi': 0, 'ekinc': 1, 'tempp': 2, 'eks': 3, 'eclassic': 4, 'eham': 5, 'dis': 6, 'tcpu': 7}, 6:\ {'nfi': 0, 'tempp': 1, 'eks': 2, 'eclassic': 3, 'dis': 4, 'tcpu': 5}, }
def _get_energies_file(self): verbose("getting _energies_file") fn = os.path.join(self.basedir, 'ENERGIES') if os.path.exists(fn): arr = np.loadtxt(fn) ncols = arr.shape[-1] if ncols not in list(self._energies_order.keys()): raise Exception("only %s columns supported in " "ENERGIES file" %str(list(self._energies_order.keys()))) else: order = self._energies_order[ncols] dct = {} for key, idx in order.items(): dct[key] = arr[:,idx] del arr return dct else: return None def _get_coords_vel_forces(self): verbose("getting _coords_vel_forces") """Parse (F)TRAJECTORY file. Ignore lines which say "<<<<<< NEW DATA >>>>>>" from restarts. """ # cols (both files): # 0: natoms x nfi (natoms x 1, natoms x 2, ...) # 1-3: x,y,z cartesian coords [Bohr] # 4-6: x,y,z cartesian velocites [Bohr / thart ] # thart = Hartree time = 0.024189 fs # FTRAJECTORY extra: # 7-9: x,y,z cartesian forces [Ha / Bohr] self.assert_set_attr('natoms') have_file = False have_forces = False fn_tr = os.path.join(self.basedir, 'TRAJECTORY') fn_ftr = os.path.join(self.basedir, 'FTRAJECTORY') if os.path.exists(fn_ftr): have_forces = True have_file = True ncols = 10 fn = fn_ftr elif os.path.exists(fn_tr): have_forces = False have_file = True ncols = 7 fn = fn_tr if have_file: cmd = "grep -c -v '<<<<' %s" %fn nlines = int_from_txt(com.backtick(cmd)) nstep = float(nlines) / float(self.natoms) assert nstep % 1.0 == 0.0, (str(self.__class__) + \ "nlines is not a multiple of nstep in %s" %fn) nstep = int(nstep) # Need to use the slower arrayio.readtxt() here instead of # traj_from_txt() which uses fast fromstring() b/c we have # comments='<<<<'. The other way would be to use # common.backtick("grep -v '<<<<' ...")) the text such that we have # only numbers in it and then pass that to traj_from_txt(). arr = arrayio.readtxt(fn, axis=self.timeaxis, shape=(nstep, self.natoms, ncols), comments='<<<<') dct = {} dct['coords'] = arr[...,1:4] dct['velocity'] = arr[...,4:7] dct['forces'] = arr[...,7:] if have_forces else None return dct else: return None
[docs] def get_ekin(self): if self.check_set_attr('_energies_file'): return self._energies_file['eclassic'] else: return None
[docs] def get_cell(self): verbose("getting cell") """Parse CELL file [Bohr]. If CELL is not there, return 2d cell from GEOMETRY.scale (self.cell from CpmdSCFOutputFile).""" # So far tested CELL files have 6 cols: # 1-3: x,y,z cell vectors # 4-6: cell forces? ditch them for now ... fn = os.path.join(self.basedir, 'CELL') if os.path.exists(fn): cmd = "head -n2 %s | tail -n1 | wc | %s '{print $2}'" %(fn, AWK) ncols = int_from_txt(com.backtick(cmd)) cmd = "grep -c 'CELL PARAMETERS' %s" %fn nstep = int_from_txt(com.backtick(cmd)) cmd = "grep -A3 'CELL PARAMETERS' %s | grep -v 'CELL'" %fn arr = traj_from_txt(com.backtick(cmd), shape=(nstep,3,ncols), axis=self.timeaxis) return arr[...,:3] else: if self.check_set_attr('_cell_2d'): return self._cell_2d else: return None
[docs] def get_coords(self): verbose("getting coords") """Cartesian coords [Bohr].""" req = '_coords_vel_forces' self.try_set_attr(req) return self._coords_vel_forces['coords'] if self.is_set_attr(req) \ else None
[docs] def get_econst(self): """[Ha]""" verbose("getting econst") req = ['_energies_file', 'etot'] self.try_set_attr_lst(req) if self.is_set_attr_lst(req): if 'eham' in self._energies_file: return self._energies_file['eham'] else: return self.etot else: return None
[docs] def get_ekinc(self): verbose("getting ekinc") """Fictitious electron kinetic energy [Ha].""" req = '_energies_file' self.try_set_attr(req) if self.is_set_attr(req) and 'ekinc' in self._energies_file: return self._energies_file['ekinc'] else: return None
[docs] def get_etot(self): verbose("getting etot") """Totat energy = EKS = Kohn Sham energy? [Ha].""" req = '_energies_file' self.try_set_attr(req) return self._energies_file['eks'] if self.is_set_attr(req) \ else None
[docs] def get_ekinh(self): verbose("getting ekinh") """Fictitious cell kinetic energy [Ha]. From prcpmd.F: EKINH [J] = 9/2 * kb [J/K] * TEMPH [K] EKINH [Ha] = 9/2 * kb [J/K] * TEMPH [K] / Ha where TEMPH is the fictitious cell temperature. """ req = '_energies_file' self.try_set_attr(req) if self.is_set_attr(req) and 'ekinh' in self._energies_file: return self._energies_file['ekinh'] else: return None
# alias
[docs] def get_ekin_cell(self): verbose("getting ekin_cell") return self.get_ekinh()
# alias
[docs] def get_ekin_elec(self): verbose("getting ekin_elec") return self.get_ekinc()
[docs] def get_temperature_cell(self): """[K]""" verbose("getting temperature_cell") req = 'ekin_cell' self.try_set_attr(req) if self.is_set_attr(req): return self.ekin_cell * 2.0 / 9.0 / constants.kb * constants.Ha else: return None
[docs] def get_forces(self): """Cartesian forces [Ha/Bohr].""" verbose("getting forces") req = '_coords_vel_forces' self.try_set_attr(req) return self._coords_vel_forces['forces'] if self.is_set_attr(req) \ else None
[docs] def get_stress(self): """Stress tensor from STRESS file if available [kbar]""" verbose("getting stress") fn = os.path.join(self.basedir, 'STRESS') if os.path.exists(fn): cmd = "grep -c 'TOTAL STRESS' %s" %fn nstep = int_from_txt(com.backtick(cmd)) cmd = "grep -A3 'TOTAL STRESS TENSOR' %s | grep -v TOTAL" %fn return traj_from_txt(com.backtick(cmd), shape=(nstep,3,3), axis=self.timeaxis) else: return None
[docs] def get_temperature(self): """[K]""" verbose("getting temperature") req = '_energies_file' self.try_set_attr(req) return self._energies_file['tempp'] if self.is_set_attr(req) \ else None
[docs] def get_velocity(self): verbose("getting velocity") """Cartesian velocity [Bohr / thart]. Not sure about the unit!""" if self.check_set_attr('_coords_vel_forces'): return self._coords_vel_forces['velocity'] else: return None
[docs] def get_timestep(self): """Timestep [thart].""" cmd = r"grep 'TIME STEP FOR IONS' %s | \ sed -re 's/.*IONS:\s+(.*)$/\1/'" %self.filename return float_from_txt(com.backtick(cmd))
[docs] class Cp2kSCFOutputFile(StructureFileParser): """CP2K SCF output parser ("global/run_type energy_force,print_level low"). Notes ----- * Since we mainly use "global/print_level low", we don't bother to special-case for "global/print_level medium". Therefore, we don't extract cell and coords. SCF runs are only done for convergence tests, so forces, etot and stress are important. * It seems that with default &print settings, SCF runs write the stress tensor in GPa, while for MD, the default is bar. Thank you very much! """ default_units = \ {'energy': Ha / eV, # Ha -> eV 'forces': Ha / eV * Angstrom / Bohr, # Ha / Bohr -> eV / Angstrom }
[docs] def __init__(self, *args, **kwds): StructureFileParser.__init__(self, *args, **kwds) self.attr_lst = [\ 'natoms', 'etot', 'forces', 'stress', 'symbols', ] self.init_attr_lst()
def _get_run_type(self): cmd = r"grep -m1 'GLOBAL.*Run type' {0} | sed \ -re 's/.*type\s+(.*)\s*/\1/'".format(self.filename) return com.backtick(cmd).strip() def _get_natoms_symbols_forces(self): cmd = r"sed -nre '1,/ATOMIC FORCES/d; " + \ r"1,/Atom\s+Kind\s+Element/d; " + \ r"/SUM OF ATOMIC FORCES/q;p' %s" %self.filename ret = com.backtick(cmd).strip() if ret != '': arr = np.array([x.split() for x in ret.splitlines()]) return {'natoms': arr.shape[0], 'symbols': arr[:,2].tolist(), 'forces': arr[:,3:].astype(float)} else: return None
[docs] def get_natoms(self): if self.check_set_attr('_natoms_symbols_forces'): return self._natoms_symbols_forces['natoms'] else: return None
[docs] def get_symbols(self): if self.check_set_attr('_natoms_symbols_forces'): return self._natoms_symbols_forces['symbols'] else: return None
[docs] def get_forces(self): """[Ha/Bohr]""" if self.check_set_attr('_natoms_symbols_forces'): return self._natoms_symbols_forces['forces'] else: return None
[docs] def get_etot(self): """[Ha]""" cmd = r"sed -nre 's/.*ENERGY.*Total.*energy.*:(.*)/\1/p' %s" %self.filename return float_from_txt(com.backtick(cmd))
[docs] def get_stress(self): """[GPa]""" cmd = r"grep -A5 'STRESS TENSOR.*GPa' %s | egrep -v 'X[ ]+Y[ ]+Z' | \ egrep '^[ ]+(X|Y|Z)'" %self.filename ret = com.backtick(cmd).strip() arr = np.array([x.split() for x in ret.splitlines()]) return arr[:,1:].astype(float)
[docs] class Cp2kMDOutputFile(TrajectoryFileParser, Cp2kSCFOutputFile): """CP2K MD output parser. Tested with cp2k v2.4, "global/run_type md,print_level low". """
[docs] def __init__(self, *args, **kwds): self.default_units['stress'] = 1e-4 # bar -> GPa self.default_units['velocity'] = Bohr/thart / Ang*fs # Bohr/thart -> Ang/fs TrajectoryFileParser.__init__(self, *args, **kwds) self.attr_lst = [\ 'cell', 'coords', 'econst', 'ekin', 'etot', 'forces', 'natoms', 'stress', 'symbols', 'temperature', 'timestep', 'velocity', ] self.init_attr_lst() self._cell_file = common.pj(self.basedir, 'PROJECT-1.cell') self._ener_file = common.pj(self.basedir, 'PROJECT-1.ener') self._stress_file = common.pj(self.basedir, 'PROJECT-1.stress') self._pos_file = common.pj(self.basedir, '') self._frc_file = common.pj(self.basedir, '') self._vel_file = common.pj(self.basedir, '')
@staticmethod def _cp2k_repack_arr(arr): """Convert arr, which is an unrolled (nstep,3,3) array, back.""" out = np.empty((arr.shape[0],3,3), dtype=float) out[:,0,0] = arr[:,2] out[:,0,1] = arr[:,3] out[:,0,2] = arr[:,4] out[:,1,0] = arr[:,5] out[:,1,1] = arr[:,6] out[:,1,2] = arr[:,7] out[:,2,0] = arr[:,8] out[:,2,1] = arr[:,9] out[:,2,2] = arr[:,10] return out def _cp2k_xyz2arr(self, fn): """Parse cp2k style XYZ files and return the 3d array.""" cmd = "grep -c 'i = .*E =' %s" %fn nstep = nstep_from_txt(com.backtick(cmd)) natoms = int_from_txt(com.backtick("head -n1 %s" %fn)) cmd = "%s '!/i =.*E =|^[ ]+[0-9]+/ \ {print $2\" \"$3\" \"$4}' %s" %(AWK, fn) assert self.timeaxis == 0 return np.fromstring(common.backtick(cmd), sep=' ').reshape(nstep,natoms,3) def _get_cell_file_arr(self): if os.path.exists(self._cell_file): return np.loadtxt(self._cell_file) else: return None def _get_ener_file_arr(self): if os.path.exists(self._ener_file): return np.loadtxt(self._ener_file) else: return None def _get_stress_file_arr(self): if os.path.exists(self._stress_file): return np.loadtxt(self._stress_file) else: return None
[docs] def get_natoms(self): cmd = r"grep -m1 'Number of atoms:' %s | \ sed -re 's/.*:(.*)/\1/'" %self.filename return int_from_txt(com.backtick(cmd))
[docs] def get_timestep(self): """[fs]""" cmd = r"egrep -m1 'MD\| Time Step \[fs\]' %s | \ sed -re 's/.*\](.*)/\1/'" %self.filename return float_from_txt(com.backtick(cmd))
[docs] def get_symbols(self): for fn in [self._pos_file, self._frc_file, self._vel_file]: if os.path.exists(fn) and self.check_set_attr('natoms'): cmd = r"grep -m1 -A%i 'i =' %s | \ grep -v 'i ='| %s '{print $1}'" \ %(self.natoms, fn, AWK) return com.backtick(cmd).strip().split() return None
def _get_forces_from_outfile(self): if self.check_set_attr('natoms'): cmd = r"grep -c 'ATOMIC FORCES in' %s" %self.filename nstep = nstep_from_txt(com.backtick(cmd)) cmd = r"sed -re '/^\s*$/d' {fn} | grep -A{nlines} 'ATOMIC FORCES in' \ | egrep -v -e 'ATOM|--|Kind' \ | tr -s ' ' | cut -d ' ' -f5-".format(fn=self.filename, nlines=self.natoms+1) return traj_from_txt(com.backtick(cmd), shape=(nstep,self.natoms,3), axis=self.timeaxis) else: return None
[docs] def get_coords(self): """Cartesian [Ang]""" if os.path.exists(self._pos_file): return self._cp2k_xyz2arr(self._pos_file) else: return None
[docs] def get_forces(self): """[Ha/Bohr]""" if os.path.exists(self._frc_file): return self._cp2k_xyz2arr(self._frc_file) else: return self._get_forces_from_outfile()
[docs] def get_velocity(self): """[Bohr/thart]""" if os.path.exists(self._vel_file): return self._cp2k_xyz2arr(self._vel_file) else: return None
[docs] def get_stress(self): """[bar]""" if self.check_set_attr('_stress_file_arr'): return self._cp2k_repack_arr(self._stress_file_arr) else: return None
[docs] def get_ekin(self): """[Ha]""" if self.check_set_attr('_ener_file_arr'): return self._ener_file_arr[:,2] else: return None
[docs] def get_temperature(self): """[K]""" if self.check_set_attr('_ener_file_arr'): return self._ener_file_arr[:,3] else: return None
[docs] def get_etot(self): """[Ha]""" if self.check_set_attr('_ener_file_arr'): return self._ener_file_arr[:,4] else: return None
[docs] def get_econst(self): """[Ha]""" if self.check_set_attr('_ener_file_arr'): return self._ener_file_arr[:,5] else: return None
[docs] def get_cell(self): """[Ang]""" if self.check_set_attr('_cell_file_arr'): return self._cp2k_repack_arr(self._cell_file_arr) else: return None
[docs] def get_volume(self): """[Ang^3]""" if self.check_set_attr('_cell_file_arr'): return self._cell_file_arr[:,-1] else: return None
[docs] class Cp2kRelaxOutputFile(Cp2kMDOutputFile): """Parse cp2k global/run_type cell_opt. geo_opt might also work, but not tested yet."""
[docs] def get_natoms(self): if os.path.exists(self._pos_file): cmd = r"head -n1 {0}".format(self._pos_file) return int_from_txt(com.backtick(cmd)) else: return None
[docs] def get_etot(self): if os.path.exists(self._pos_file): cmd = r"%s '/i =.*E/ {print $6}' %s" %(AWK, self._pos_file) return arr1d_from_txt(com.backtick(cmd)) else: return None
[docs] def get_cell(self): # For cell_opt, cp2k does a final scf calc after the cell optimization. # That creates an additional time step in _pos_file, but NOT in # _cell_file. Then, coords[-1,...] and coords[-2,...] are the same b/c # the final geometry is simply scf'ed again. Also etot is one step # longer. Handle that by appending cell[-1,...] to the end of the cell # array in order to have equal length. Need that to make get_traj() # happy. if self.check_set_attr('_cell_file_arr'): cell = self._cp2k_repack_arr(self._cell_file_arr) self.assert_set_attr('_run_type') if self._run_type == 'CELL_OPT': if self.check_set_attr('coords'): offset = self.coords.shape[0] - cell.shape[0] if offset == 1: return np.concatenate((cell, cell[-1,...][None,...]), axis=0) else: raise Exception("cell and coords have a timestep " "offset != 1, dunno what to do " "(offset={0}, coords: {1}, cell: {2})".format(offset,self.coords.shape, cell.shape)) else: return None # GEO_OPT not tested yet. Simply return cell for now unchanged, if # defined. else: return cell else: return None
[docs] class DcdOutputFile: """Base class which implements dcd file reading. Used only for inheritance.""" _dcd_convang = False def _get_dcd_data(self): if os.path.exists(self.dcdfilename): cryst_const, coords = dcd.read_dcd_data(self.dcdfilename, convang=self._dcd_convang) return {'cryst_const': cryst_const, 'coords': coords, 'nstep': cryst_const.shape[0], 'natoms': coords.shape[1], 'timestep': dcd.read_dcd_header(self.dcdfilename)['timestep']} else: return None
[docs] def get_coords(self): if self.check_set_attr('_dcd_data'): return self._dcd_data['coords'] else: return None
[docs] def get_cryst_const(self): if self.check_set_attr('_dcd_data'): return self._dcd_data['cryst_const'] else: return None
[docs] def get_natoms(self): if self.check_set_attr('_dcd_data'): return self._dcd_data['natoms'] else: return None
[docs] def get_nstep(self): if self.check_set_attr('_dcd_data'): return self._dcd_data['nstep'] else: return None
# Avoid reading PROJECT-1.cell (cp2k) or any other text output (lammps) # with cell info even if it exists. We need to make sure that we read the # unit cell from the dcd file. This is essential in cp2k when using # dcd_aligned_cell.
[docs] def get_cell(self): return None
[docs] def get_volume(self): return None
[docs] class Cp2kDcdMDOutputFile(DcdOutputFile, Cp2kMDOutputFile): """Same as :class:`Cp2kMDOutputFile` (all ``PROJECT*`` files are text), only that the coordinates file is a dcd format binary file ``PROJECT-pos-1.dcd``."""
[docs] def __init__(self, *args, **kwds): super(Cp2kDcdMDOutputFile, self).__init__(*args, **kwds) self.dcdfilename = common.pj(self.basedir, 'PROJECT-pos-1.dcd') self._dcd_convang = False self.attr_lst = [\ 'cryst_const', 'coords', 'econst', 'ekin', 'etot', 'forces', 'natoms', 'stress', 'symbols', 'temperature', 'timestep', 'velocity', ] self.init_attr_lst()
[docs] class LammpsTextMDOutputFile(TrajectoryFileParser): """Parse LAMMPS text output. We parse the default ``log.lammps`` file (`filename`) with ``thermo`` output and, if present, a custom dump file ``lmp.out.dump`` created by something like ``dump 2 all custom 1 lmp.out.dump ...`` Tested with MD and structure optimization (``minimize``). Currently hardcoded file names: | `dumpfilename` = ``basedir/lmp.out.dump`` | `symbolsfilename` = ``basedir/lmp.struct.symbols`` where `basedir` is the dir where `filename` (i.e. ``log.lammps``) lives. default_units are for lammps metal units. Examples -------- Example lammps input:: clear units metal boundary p p p atom_style atomic read_data lmp.struct ### interactions pair_style tersoff pair_coeff * * AlN.tersoff Al N ### IO dump dump_txt all custom 1 lmp.out.dump id type xsu ysu zsu xu yu zu fx fy fz vx vy vz dump dump_dcd all dcd 1 lmp.out.dcd ##dump dump_xyz all xyz 1 ##dump_modify dump_xyz element Al N dump_modify dump_txt sort id dump_modify dump_dcd sort id unwrap yes thermo_style custom step temp vol cella cellb cellc cellalpha cellbeta cellgamma & ke pe etotal & press pxx pyy pzz pxy pxz pyz cpu thermo_modify flush yes thermo 1 ### init velocity all create 300.0 123 rot yes dist gaussian ### run fix fix_npt all npt temp 1000 1000 0.01 tri 0 0 0.3 tchain 4 pchain 4 & mtk yes scaleyz no scalexz no scalexy no flip no timestep 2.5e-3 run 1000 Notes ----- * columns in `filename` and `dumpfilename`: We automagically extract the "header" (e.g. "Step Temp Volume Cella ..." in `filename` or "ITEM: ATOMS id type xsu ysu zsu fx fy fz vx vy vz" in `dumpfilename`) and map data to these symbols. See `_thermo_dct` and `_dump_dct`. Currently, "xsu ysu zsu" is parsed to get coords_frac. "xu yu zu" is parsed to get coords. Wrapped coordinates (e.g. "xs ys zs" and "x y z") are ignored. * multiple runs from one input script (i.e. 2 or more ``run`` commands): it seems that the last step of the preceeding run is printed again by the new run by ``thermo_style``, which results in more `nstep` in `filename` as there really are in `dumpfilename`. We parse all important stuff (coords, cell, velocity) from `dumpfilename`, but `temperature` and `stress` etc. is from `filename`. Watch out when plotting. * cell: We parse cell from "ITEM: BOX BOUNDS" in `dumpfilename` and the cell is always [[x,0,0],[xy,y,0],[xz,yz,z]], i.e. it is aligned in the same way in each timestep. * atom symbols: First we try to read `symbolsfilename`, which may have been written by :func:``. If that is not found, we try to use the ``type`` column in `dumpfilename` together with a type number -> atom symbol mapping either from the `order` input keyword or a ``dump_modify ... element`` line in `filename` if found. """
[docs] def __init__(self, filename='log.lammps', order=None, **kwds): """ Parameters ---------- filename : str Text output file, where ``thermo_style [custom]`` output is written to. The lammps default is ``log.lammps``. order : dict, optional See :meth:`pwtools.crys.Structure.get_order`. Mapping of atom symbols to ``type`` in lammps, i.e. {'Al': 1, 'N': 2}. If None then we try to use ``dump_modify ... element`` if present in `filename`, where lammps echos the input script. `symbols` is build from the ``type`` column in `dumpfilename`. """ self.default_units['stress'] = 1e-4 # bar -> GPa self.default_units['velocity'] = fs/ps # Ang/ps -> Ang/fs self.default_units['time'] = ps/fs # ps -> fs TrajectoryFileParser.__init__(self, filename, **kwds) self.attr_lst = [\ 'cell', 'coords_frac', 'coords', 'cryst_const', 'ekin', 'etot', 'forces', 'natoms', 'stress', 'symbols', 'temperature', 'timestep', 'velocity', 'volume', ] self.init_attr_lst() self.order = order # Text output file from ``dump <ID> all custom 1 ...``. self.dumpfilename = pj(self.basedir, 'lmp.out.dump') # written by io.write_lammps() self.symbolsfilename = pj(self.basedir, 'lmp.struct.symbols')
@staticmethod def _get_from_dct(dct, key): if key in dct: return dct[key] else: return None @staticmethod def _assert_shape_mod(name, a, b): mod = a % b msg = ("{name}: shape mismatch: a: {a}, b: {b}, " "{a} % {b} = {mod}, " "should be 0".format(a=a,b=b,mod=mod,name=name)) assert mod == 0, msg def _get_thermo_dct(self): """Parse all text between "Step ..." and "Loop ..." in self.filename:: Step Temp Volume Cella Cellb Cellc 0 0 37.412297 3 3 4.8 1 0 37.42182 3.0002318 3.0002318 4.80048 2 0 37.431339 3.0004633 3.0004633 4.80096 .... 1000 0 37.431339 3.0004633 3.0004633 4.80096 Loop time of 0.115472 on 1 procs (1 MPI x 1 OpenMP) for 1043 steps with 4 atoms This is usually generated by:: thermo_style custom step temp vol cella cellb cellc thermo 1 in the input file. I think if no ``thermo_style`` command is used, it still prints a line starting with "Step ...". """ if os.path.exists(self.filename): header = com.backtick("grep -m1 Step %s" %self.filename).split() # Strip all text except for the data columns. Also works for # multiple ``run`` or ``minimize`` commands in one input file, # which cause wildly mixed text. cmd = r"sed -nre '/^Step/,/^Loop/p' %s | \ egrep -v 'Step|Loop'" %self.filename arr = arr2d_from_txt(com.backtick(cmd)) return dict((x, arr[:,ii]) for ii,x in enumerate(header)) else: return None def _get_dump_dct(self): if self.check_set_attr('natoms') and \ os.path.exists(self.dumpfilename): cmd = r"grep -c 'ITEM: TIMESTEP' %s" %self.dumpfilename nstep = nstep_from_txt(com.backtick(cmd)) header = com.backtick("grep -m1 'ITEM: ATOMS' %s \ | sed -re 's/.*TOMS //'" %self.dumpfilename).split() cmd = r"grep -A%i 'ITEM: ATOMS' %s | \ egrep -ve '--|ITEM'" %(self.natoms, self.dumpfilename) arr = np.fromstring(com.backtick(cmd), sep=' ').reshape(nstep*self.natoms,len(header)) self._assert_shape_mod('dump', arr.shape[0], self.natoms) return dict((x, arr[:,ii]) for ii,x in enumerate(header)) else: return None def _lmp_dump2arr3d(self, dct, keys): if self.check_set_attr('natoms'): for k in keys: if k not in dct: return None nstep = dct[keys[0]].shape[0] // self.natoms arr = np.array([dct[keys[0]], dct[keys[1]], dct[keys[2]]]).T.reshape((nstep, self.natoms,3)) return arr else: return None
[docs] def get_natoms(self): if os.path.exists(self.dumpfilename): cmd = r"grep -A1 -m1 'ITEM: NUMBER OF ATOMS' %s | tail -n1" %self.dumpfilename return nstep_from_txt(com.backtick(cmd)) else: return None
[docs] def get_stress(self): if self.check_set_attr('_thermo_dct'): keys = 'Pxx Pyy Pzz Pxy Pxz Pyz'.split() for k in keys: if k not in self._thermo_dct: return None voigt = np.array([self._thermo_dct['P'+k] for k in ['xx', 'yy', 'zz', 'yz', 'xz', 'xy']]).T return crys.voigt2tensor3d(voigt) else: return None
[docs] def get_etot(self): """Potetntial energy PotEng [eV]. etot+ekin here is TotEng=PotEng+KinEng in lammps. In DFT, the potential energy is usually called "total energy". """ if self.check_set_attr('_thermo_dct'): return self._get_from_dct(self._thermo_dct, 'PotEng') else: return None
[docs] def get_ekin(self): if self.check_set_attr('_thermo_dct'): return self._get_from_dct(self._thermo_dct, 'KinEng') else: return None
[docs] def get_temperature(self): if self.check_set_attr('_thermo_dct'): return self._get_from_dct(self._thermo_dct, 'Temp') else: return None
[docs] def get_volume(self): if self.check_set_attr('_thermo_dct'): return self._get_from_dct(self._thermo_dct, 'Volume') else: return None
[docs] def get_cryst_const(self): if self.check_set_attr('_thermo_dct'): keys = 'Cella Cellb Cellc CellAlpha CellBeta CellGamma'.split() for k in keys: if k not in self._thermo_dct: return None nstep = len(self._thermo_dct['Cella']) ret = np.empty((nstep,6)) for ii,k in enumerate(keys): ret[:,ii] = self._thermo_dct[k] return ret else: return None
[docs] def get_coords_frac(self): if self.check_set_attr('_dump_dct'): keys = 'xsu ysu zsu'.split() return self._lmp_dump2arr3d(self._dump_dct, keys) else: return None
[docs] def get_coords(self): if self.check_set_attr('_dump_dct'): keys = 'xu yu zu'.split() return self._lmp_dump2arr3d(self._dump_dct, keys) else: return None
[docs] def get_forces(self): if self.check_set_attr('_dump_dct'): keys = 'fx fy fz'.split() return self._lmp_dump2arr3d(self._dump_dct, keys) else: return None
[docs] def get_velocity(self): if self.check_set_attr('_dump_dct'): keys = 'vx vy vz'.split() return self._lmp_dump2arr3d(self._dump_dct, keys) else: return None
[docs] def get_timestep(self): if os.path.exists(self.filename): cmd = r"grep -m1 timestep %s | \ sed -re 's/.*step (.*)/\1/'" %self.filename return float_from_txt(com.backtick(cmd)) else: return None
[docs] def get_symbols(self): if os.path.exists(self.symbolsfilename): return com.file_read(self.symbolsfilename).split() elif self.check_set_attr_lst(['_dump_dct','natoms']): if 'type' in self._dump_dct: if self.order is None: cmd = r"grep -m1 'dump_modify.*element' %s | sed -re \ 's/.*ment (.*)/\1/'" %self.filename revorder = dict((ii+1,sy) for ii,sy in \ enumerate(com.backtick(cmd).split())) else: # {'a':1,'b':2} -> {1:'a',2:'b'} revorder = dict((v,k) for k,v in self.order.items()) return [revorder[int(ii)] for ii in self._dump_dct['type'][:self.natoms]] else: return None else: return None
[docs] def get_cell(self): if os.path.exists(self.dumpfilename): cmd = r"grep -c 'ITEM: BOX BOUNDS' %s" %self.dumpfilename nstep = nstep_from_txt(com.backtick(cmd)) cmd = r"grep -A3 'ITEM: BOX BOUNDS' %s | \ egrep -ve '--|ITEM'" %self.dumpfilename arr = np.fromstring(com.backtick(cmd), sep=' ').reshape((nstep,3,3)) cell = np.zeros_like(arr) for ii in range(nstep): xlo_bound = arr[ii,0,0] xhi_bound = arr[ii,0,1] ylo_bound = arr[ii,1,0] yhi_bound = arr[ii,1,1] zlo = arr[ii,2,0] zhi = arr[ii,2,1] xy = arr[ii,0,2] xz = arr[ii,1,2] yz = arr[ii,2,2] xlo = xlo_bound - min(0.0,xy,xz,xy+xz) xhi = xhi_bound - max(0.0,xy,xz,xy+xz) ylo = ylo_bound - min(0.0,yz) yhi = yhi_bound - max(0.0,yz) # [[x, 0, 0], # [xy, y, 0], # [xz, yz, z]] cell[ii,0,0] = xhi-xlo cell[ii,1,1] = yhi-ylo cell[ii,2,2] = zhi-zlo cell[ii,1,0] = xy cell[ii,2,0] = xz cell[ii,2,1] = yz return cell else: return None
[docs] class LammpsDcdMDOutputFile(DcdOutputFile, LammpsTextMDOutputFile): """Parse Lammps DCD binary output + ``log.lammps`` text output. Hardcodes files: | `dcdfilename` = ``basedir/lmp.out.dcd`` Notes ----- * cell: The DCD file format stores only cryst_const (see ``unitcell`` in dcd.f90). ``Trajectory.cell`` calculated from ``Trajectory.cryst_const`` is aligned in the same way as ``LammpsTextMDOutputFile.cell``. That's why the cell and cryst_const obtained from :func:`` and :func:`` must be identical up to numerical noise (about 1e-6 for default lammps text printing precision). """
[docs] def __init__(self, *args, **kwds): super(LammpsDcdMDOutputFile, self).__init__(*args, **kwds) self.attr_lst = [\ 'cryst_const', 'coords', 'ekin', 'etot', 'natoms', 'stress', 'symbols', 'temperature', 'timestep', 'volume', ] self.init_attr_lst() self._dcd_convang = True self.dcdfilename = pj(self.basedir, 'lmp.out.dcd')