Source code for pwtools.lammps

import time
import numpy as np
from pwtools import atomic_data, common

[docs] def struct_str(struct): """Convert Structure object to lammps format. The returned string can be written to a file and read in a lammps input file by ``read_data``. Parameters ---------- struct : Structure Returns ------- str : string References ---------- ase.calculators.lammpsrun (ASE 3.8). """ # align cell to [[x,0,0],[xy,y,0],[xz, yz, z]] (row format, the transpose # is what lammps uses) st = struct.copy() st.coords = None st.cell = None st.set_all() head_str = "structure written by pwtools {0}".format(time.asctime()) info_str = '%i atoms\n%i atom types' %(st.natoms, len(st.symbols_unique)) cell_str = "0.0 {x:.14g} xlo xhi\n0.0 {y:.14g} ylo yhi\n0.0 {z:.14g} zlo zhi\n" cell_str += "{tilts} xy xz yz\n" cell_str = cell_str.format(x=st.cell[0,0], y=st.cell[1,1], z=st.cell[2,2], tilts=common.str_arr(np.array([st.cell[1,0], st.cell[2,0], st.cell[2,1]]), eps=1e-13, fmt='%.14g', delim=' ')) atoms_str = "Atoms\n\n" for iatom in range(st.natoms): atoms_str += "{iatom} {ispec} {xyz}".format( iatom=iatom+1, ispec=st.order[st.symbols[iatom]], xyz=common.str_arr(st.coords[iatom,:], eps=1e-13, fmt='%23.16e') + '\n') mass_str = "Masses\n\n" for idx,sy in enumerate(st.symbols_unique): mass_str += "%i %g\n" %(idx+1,[sy]['mass']) return head_str + '\n\n' + info_str + '\n\n' + cell_str + \ '\n' + atoms_str + '\n' + mass_str