Source code for pwtools.eos

EOS fitting. Use :class:`EosFit` (only Vinet EOS for now).

Also: Old interface class :class:`ElkEOSFit` and the base class
:class:`ExternEOS` for calling extern EOS fitting applications. Compile the app
to produce an executable, e.g. ``eos.x``. Then use ``app='/path/to/eos.x'`` in
the constructor. Has another API than :class:`EosFit`, e.g. the
:meth:`EosFit.get_min` method is different from :meth:`ElkEOSFit.get_min`.

import os
import subprocess, types, warnings
import numpy as np
from pwtools import common, constants, num
from pwtools.constants import Ry, Ha, Bohr, Ang, eV, eV_by_Ang3_to_GPa
from pwtools.base import FlexibleGetters
from pwtools.decorators import lazyprop
from pwtools.num import Fit1D
from scipy.optimize import leastsq

[docs] def _vinet(V, params): """Vinet equation from PRB 70, 224107, from pymatgen.""" E0, B0, B1, V0 = params['e0'], params['b0'], params['b1'], params['v0'] eta = (V/V0)**(1./3.) return E0 + 2.*B0*V0/(B1-1.)**2 \ * (2. - (5. +3.*B1*(eta-1.)-3.*eta)*np.exp(-3.*(B1-1.)*(eta-1.)/2.))
[docs] def _vinet_deriv1(V, params): """Vinet first derivative dE/dV.""" # Thank you, Maxima! E0, B0, B1, V0 = params['e0'], params['b0'], params['b1'], params['v0'] eta = (V/V0)**(1./3.) ex = np.exp(1.5*(-eta*B1 + B1 + eta - 1)) return (3*eta -3) / eta**2.0 * B0 * ex
[docs] def _vinet_deriv2(V, params): """Vinet second derivative d^2E/dV^2.""" # Thank you, Maxima! E0, B0, B1, V0 = params['e0'], params['b0'], params['b1'], params['v0'] eta = (V/V0)**(1./3.) ex = np.exp(1.5*(-eta*B1 + B1 + eta - 1)) return -B0 * (3*eta**2.0*B1 - 3*eta*B1 - 3*eta**2.0 + 5*eta - 4) / \ (2*eta**5 * V0) * ex
[docs] class MaxDerivException(Exception): def __init__(self, msg=None): self.msg = msg def __str__(self): return self.msg
[docs] class EVFunction: """Base class for E(V) models, such as the Vinet EOS."""
[docs] def __init__(self): self.param_order = ['e0', 'b0', 'b1', 'v0']
[docs] def evaluate(self, volume, params): """Evaluate function for x-axis `volume`. Parameters ---------- volume : scalar, 1d array volume per atom [Ang^3] params : dict {'e0', 'b0', 'b1', 'v0'} in eV, eV/Ang^3, 1, Ang^3 """ pass
[docs] def deriv(self, volume, params, der=None): """Calculate derivative of E(V) of order `der`. ``der=1`` is the first deriv etc. Parameters ---------- volume : scalar, 1d array volume per atom [Ang^3] params : dict {'e0', 'b0', 'b1', 'v0'} in eV, eV/Ang^3, 1, Ang^3 der : int derivative order """ pass
[docs] def get_min(self): pass
[docs] def __call__(self, volume, params, der=0): if der == 0: return self.evaluate(volume, params) else: return self.deriv(volume, params, der)
[docs] def lst2dct(self, lst): return dict([(k, lst[ii]) for ii,k in enumerate(self.param_order)])
[docs] def dct2lst(self, dct): return [dct[k] for k in self.param_order]
[docs] class Vinet(EVFunction): """Vinet EOS model."""
[docs] def evaluate(self, volume, params): return _vinet(volume, params)
[docs] def deriv(self, volume, params, der=None): if der == 1: return _vinet_deriv1(volume, params) elif der == 2: return _vinet_deriv2(volume, params) else: raise MaxDerivException("der %i not supported" %der)
# Before using this a fitfunc in thermo.Gibbs, test it! You may need to # implement data scaling, as we do in num.PolyFit.
[docs] class EosFit(Fit1D): """E(V) fit class. Examples -------- >>> from pwtools.eos import EosFit >>> from pwtools.constants import eV_by_Ang3_to_GPa >>> V = linspace(30, 50, 20) >>> E = (V-40)**2.0 / 50.0 + 30 + rand(len(V)) / 5.0 >>> plot(V, E, 'o') >>> f = EosFit(V, E) >>> vv = linspace(V.min(), V.max(), 200) >>> plot(vv, f(vv), 'r-') >>> v0 = f.params['v0'] >>> print("compare fit params and values obtained from methods:") >>> print("V0: %f Ang^3 (%f)" %(v0, f.get_min())) >>> print("B0: %f GPa (%f)" %(f.params['b0']*eV_by_Ang3_to_GPa, f.bulkmod(v0))) >>> print("B1: %f " %f.params['b1']) >>> print("E0: %f eV (%f)" %(f.params['e0'], f(v0))) >>> print("P0: %f GPa " %f.pressure(v0)) """
[docs] def __init__(self, volume, energy, func=Vinet(), splpoints=500): """ Parameters ---------- volume : 1d array volume per atom [Ang^3] energy : 1d array total energy per atom [eV] func : EVFunction instance splpoints : int number of spline points for fallback derivative calculation """ Fit1D.__init__(self, x=volume, y=energy) self.func = func = energy self.volume = volume self.splpoints = splpoints
@lazyprop def spl(self): """Spline thru the fitted E(V) b/c we are too lazy to calculate the analytic derivative. Fallback.""" # use many points for accurate deriv vv = np.linspace(self.volume.min(), self.volume.max(), self.splpoints) return num.Spline(vv, self(vv, der=0), k=5, s=None)
[docs] def fit(self): """Fit E(V) model, fill ``self.params``.""" # Quadratic fit to get an initial guess for the parameters. # Thanks: # -> pymatgen/io/abinitio/ a, b, c = np.polyfit(self.volume,, 2) v0 = -b/(2*a) e0 = a*v0**2 + b*v0 + c b0 = 2*a*v0 b1 = 4 # b1 is usually a small number like 4 if not self.volume.min() < v0 and v0 < self.volume.max(): raise Exception('The minimum volume of a fitted parabola is not in the input volumes') # need to use lst2dct and dct2lst here to keep the order of parameters pp0_dct = dict(e0=e0, b0=b0, b1=b1, v0=v0) target = lambda pp, v: - self.func(v, self.func.lst2dct(pp)) pp_opt, ierr = leastsq(target, self.func.dct2lst(pp0_dct), args=(self.volume,)) self.params = self.func.lst2dct(pp_opt)
[docs] def __call__(self, volume, der=0): """ Parameters ---------- volume : scalar, 1d array volume per atom [Ang^3] der : int derivative order """ try: return self.func(volume, self.params, der=der) except MaxDerivException: return self.spl(volume, der=der)
# Fit1D compat
[docs] def get_min(self): """V0 [Ang^3]""" if 'v0' in self.params: return self.params['v0'] else: return super(EosFit, self).get_min()
[docs] def pressure(self, volume): """P(V) [GPa] Parameters ---------- volume : scalar, 1d array volume per atom [Ang^3] """ return -self(volume, der=1) * eV_by_Ang3_to_GPa
[docs] def bulkmod(self, volume): """B(V) [GPa] Parameters ---------- volume : scalar, 1d array volume per atom [Ang^3] """ if 'b0' in self.params: return self.params['b0'] * eV_by_Ang3_to_GPa else: return volume * self(volume, der=2) * eV_by_Ang3_to_GPa
[docs] class ExternEOS(FlexibleGetters): """Base class for calling extern EOS-fitting executables. The class writes an input file, calls the app, loads E(V) fitted data and loads or calcutates P(V), B(V). The number N of data points for the returned arrays (fitted curves) are handled by derived classes. We have three "representations" of the data: (a) input data E(V) : self.volume [Ang^3], [eV] (b) fitted or calculated points : self.{ev,pv,bv} -- 2d arrays (N,2) where N is the number of returned fitted points from the fitting app. N depends on the fitting app. For instance, in ElkEOSFit, you can use `npoints` to set N. (c) Splines thru fitted or calculated (N,2) data ev,pv,bv : self.spl_{ev,pv,bv}. Attributes ---------- ev, pv, bv, spl_ev, spl_pv, spl_bv, see fit() doc string. Examples -------- >>> from pwtools import eos >>> efit = eos.ElkEOSFit(app='eos.x', energy=ee, volume=vv) >>> >>> plot(vv, ee, 'o-', label='E(V) data') >>> plot(efit.ev[:,0], efit.ev[:,1], label='E(V) fit') >>> plot(efit.pv[:,0], efit.pv[:,1], label='P=-dE/dV') >>> plot(efit.ev[:,0], efit.spl_ev(efit.ev[:,0]), label='spline E(V)') >>> plot(efit.pv[:,0], efit.spl_pv(efit.pv[:,0]), label='spline P(V)') >>> print "V0={v0} E0={e0} B0={b0} P0={p0}".format(**efit.get_min()) Notes ----- For derived classes: Implement _fit(), which sets self.{ev,pv}. `bv` and `spl_bv` are always calculated from `ev` or `pv` when :meth:`fit` is called, see also :meth:`calc_bv` and :meth:`set_bv_method`. """ # Notes # ----- # We distinguish between the volume axis for energy ev[:,0], pressure # pv[:,0] and bulk modulus bv[:,0] b/c, depending on how P=-dE/dV or B(V) # is calculated, these may have different length. For instance, if the # pressure is calculated by finite differences, then ev.shape[0] == N, # pv.shape[0] == N-1 . This is mostly for historic reasons but also b/c # it's nice to have an array with x-y data right there.
[docs] def __init__(self, app=None, energy=None, volume=None, dir=None, bv_method='ev', verbose=True): """ Parameters ---------- app : str name of the executable ([/path/to/]eos.x), make sure that it is on your PATH or use an absolute path energy : 1d array [eV] volume : 1d array [Ang^3] dir : str dir where in- and outfiles are written, default is the basename of "app" (e.g. "eos.x" for app='/path/to/eos.x') bv_method : str, {'pv', 'ev'} Based on which quantity should B(V) and minimum properties be calculated. pv: based on P(V) ev: based on E(V) verbose : bool print stdout and stderr of fitting tool """ warnings.warn("ExternEOS is deprecated, use EosFit instead", DeprecationWarning) assert len(energy) == len(volume), ("volume and energy arrays have " "not the same length") assert (np.diff(volume) > 0.0).any(), ("volume seems to be wrongly " "sorted") = app = energy self.volume = volume self.app_basename = os.path.basename( self.set_bv_method(bv_method) self.verbose = verbose if dir is None: self.dir = self.app_basename else: self.dir = dir if not os.path.exists(self.dir): os.makedirs(self.dir) if self.verbose: print(("After calling the fit() method, find data from '%s' " "in %s/" %(, self.dir))) self.infn = os.path.join(self.dir, '')
def _fit(self): """Fit E-V data (, self.volume) and set self.ev, self.pv . This is the interface which derived classes must implement. If pv is not calculated by the fitting tool, use smth like num.deriv_spl() to calculate the pressure P=-dE/dV. """ self.ev = None self.pv = None # user-callable method
[docs] def fit(self, *args, **kwargs): """Fit E-V data (, self.volume). After calling fit(), these attrs are available: | self.ev : 2d array (N,2) [volume [Ang^3], energy E(V) [eV] ] | self.pv : 2d array (N,2) [volume [Ang^3], pressure P(V) [GPa]] | : 2d array (N,2) [volume [Ang^3], bulk modulus B(V) [GPa]] | self.spl_ev : Spline thru E(V) | self.spl_pv : Spline thru P(V) | self.spl_bv : Spline thru B(V) """ self._fit(*args, **kwargs) = self.calc_bv() self.try_set_attr('spl_ev') self.try_set_attr('spl_pv') self.try_set_attr('spl_bv')
def _get_spl(self, attr_name): # attr_name : 'ev', 'pv', 'bv' # spl_attr_name : 'self.spl_{ev,pv,bv}' spl_attr_name = "spl_%s" %attr_name if self.is_set_attr(spl_attr_name): return getattr(self, spl_attr_name) else: arr = getattr(self, attr_name) return num.Spline(arr[:,0], arr[:,1])
[docs] def get_spl_ev(self): return self._get_spl('ev')
[docs] def get_spl_pv(self): return self._get_spl('pv')
[docs] def get_spl_bv(self): return self._get_spl('bv')
[docs] def set_bv_method(self, bv_method): """Set self.bv_method, a.k.a. switch to another bv_method. Parameters ---------- bv_method : str 'ev', 'pv' """ self.bv_method = bv_method
[docs] def calc_bv(self): # B = -V*dP/dV if self.bv_method == 'pv': self.try_set_attr('spl_pv') vv = self.pv[:,0] return np.array([vv, -vv * self.spl_pv(vv, der=1)]).T # B = V*d^2E/dV^2 elif self.bv_method == 'ev': self.try_set_attr('spl_ev') # eV / Ang^3 -> GPa fac = eV * 1e21 # 160.2176487 vv = self.ev[:,0] return np.array([vv, vv * self.spl_ev(vv, der=2) * fac]).T else: raise Exception("unknown bv_method: '%s'" %bv_method)
[docs] def get_min(self, behave='new'): """ Calculate properites at energy minimum of E(V). Parameters ---------- behave : str, optional, {'new', 'old'} Returns ------- behave = 'new' : return a dict {v0, e0, p0, b0} volume, energy, pressure, bulk modulus at energy min behave = 'old' : array of length 4 [v0, e0, b0, p0] Notes ----- We have two sources for pressure: (a) The code which calculated E(V), i.e. usually some ab initio code (PWscf, ...). (b) Calculated pressure P=-dE/dV from the EOS fit to E(V). If the (a) pressure at the E(V) minimum is not very close to zero (say ~ 1e-10), then your E-V data is incorrect. Usually, this is because of poorly converged calculations (low cufoff / bad basis set, too few k-points). """ self.try_set_attr('spl_pv') self.try_set_attr('spl_ev') self.try_set_attr('spl_bv') if self.bv_method == 'pv': v0 = self.spl_pv.get_root() elif self.bv_method == 'ev': v0 = self.spl_ev.get_min() else: raise Exception("unknown bv_method: '%s'" %bv_method) p0 = self.spl_pv(v0) e0 = self.spl_ev(v0) b0 = self.spl_bv(v0) if behave == 'old': return np.array([v0, e0, p0, b0]) elif behave == 'new': dct = {} dct['v0'] = v0 dct['e0'] = e0 dct['p0'] = p0 dct['b0'] = b0 return dct else: raise Exception("unknown value for `behave`: %s" %str(behave))
def _call(self, cmd): """ Call shell command 'cmd' and merge stdout and stderr. Use this instead of common.backtick() if fitting tool insists on beeing very chatty on stderr. """ pp = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) out,err = pp.communicate() assert err is None, "stderr output is not None" return out
[docs] class ElkEOSFit(ExternEOS): """eos.x from the Elk [1] and Exciting [2] codes. [1] [2] Note that the data produced by eos.x is divided by natoms and that energy is in Hartree. We remove the normalization and convert Ha -> eV. self.{ev,bv,pv} all have the same shape[0] b/c we do not use finite differences for derivatives. """
[docs] def __init__(self, app='eos.x', natoms=1, name='foo', etype=1, npoints=300, **kwargs): """ Parameters ---------- natoms : int number of atoms in the unit cell, this is (I think) only used for normalization and can be set to 1 if not needed name : str some dummy name for the input file etype : int type of EOS to fit (see below) npoints : int, optional number of E-V and P-V points of the fitted curves (`nvplt` in eos.x) Notes ----- From the README: The equations of state currently implemented are: 1. Universal EOS (Vinet P et al., J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 1, p1941 (1989)) 2. Murnaghan EOS (Murnaghan F D, Am. J. Math. 49, p235 (1937)) 3. Birch-Murnaghan 3rd-order EOS (Birch F, Phys. Rev. 71, p809 (1947)) 4. Birch-Murnaghan 4th-order EOS 5. Natural strain 3rd-order EOS (Poirier J-P and Tarantola A, Phys. Earth Planet Int. 109, p1 (1998)) 6. Natural strain 4th-order EOS 7. Cubic polynomial in (V-V0) See also -------- :class:`EosFit` """ ExternEOS.__init__(self, app=app, **kwargs) = name self.natoms = natoms self.etype = etype self.npoints = npoints assert self.npoints >= len(self.volume), ("npoints is < number of E-V " "input points")
# From the README: # ---------------- # input file: # # cname : name of crystal up to 256 characters # natoms : number of atoms in unit cell # etype : equation of state type (see below) # vplt1, vplt2, nvplt : volume interval over which to plot energy, pressure etc. # as well as the number of points in the plot # nevpt : number of energy-volume points to be inputted # vpt(i) ept(i) : energy-volume points (atomic units) # # Note that the input units are atomic - Bohr and Hartree (NOT Rydbergs). # # output files: # # All units are atomic unless otherwise stated # EOS parameters written to PARAM.OUT # Energy-volume per atom at data points written to EVPAP.OUT # Energy-volume per atom over interval written to EVPAI.OUT # Pressure(GPa)-volume per atom at data points written to PVPAP.OUT # Pressure(GPa)-volume per atom over interval written to PVPAI.OUT # Enthalpy-pressure(GPa) per atom over interval written to HPPAI.OUT def _fit(self): # volume[Bohr^3] etot[Ha] for eos.x volume = self.volume*(Ang**3.0 / Bohr**3.0) energy =*(eV / Ha) data = np.array([volume, energy]).T infn_txt =\ """ %s %i %i %f, %f, %i %i %s """%(, self.natoms, self.etype, volume[0], volume[-1], self.npoints, len(volume), common.str_arr(data)) common.file_write(self.infn, infn_txt) out = common.backtick('cd %s && %s' %(self.dir, self.app_basename)) if self.verbose: print(out) print((open(os.path.join(self.dir,'PARAM.OUT')).read())) # Remove normalization on natoms. See .../eos/output.f90: # fitev: [volume [Bohr^3] / natoms, energy [Ha] / natoms] # fitpv: [volume [Bohr^3] / natoms, pressure [GPa]] fitev = np.loadtxt(os.path.join(self.dir,'EVPAI.OUT')) * self.natoms # convert energy back to [Ang^3, eV] fitev[:,0] *= (Bohr**3 / Ang**3) fitev[:,1] *= (Ha / eV) self.ev = fitev fitpv = np.loadtxt(os.path.join(self.dir,'PVPAI.OUT')) fitpv[:,0] *= (self.natoms * Bohr**3 / Ang**3) self.pv = fitpv