Source code for pwtools.dcd

# coding: utf8

"""Read dcd files. Some timings (in ipython). Reading lammps files, not using
`convang` here, so angles are not converted but this is only a speed test.


    >>> %timeit cc,co=dcd.read_dcd_data_ref('lmp.out.dcd')
    100 loops, best of 3: 3.35 ms per loop

    >>> %timeit cc,co=dcd.read_dcd_data_f('lmp.out.dcd')
    1000 loops, best of 3: 455 µs per loop

    >>> %timeit cc,co=dcd.read_dcd_data_f('lmp.out.dcd', nstephdr=True)
    1000 loops, best of 3: 241 µs per loop

    >>> # pure numpy wins!
    >>> %timeit cc,co=dcd.read_dcd_data('lmp.out.dcd')
    10000 loops, best of 3: 114 µs per loop

import numpy as np
import os

# DCD file header. Define structured dtype with field specs
#   (name, dtype, shape)
# numpy dtypes:
#   i4  = int32
#   f4  = float32 (single precision)
#   f8  = float64 (double precision)
#   S80 = string of length 80 (80 chars)
# shape:
#   old syntax:
#       ('foo', 'i4', 1) -> scalar int32
#   new syntax: don't use just a blank "1"
#       ('foo', 'i4', (1,)) -> array([int32])
#       ('foo', 'i4')       -> scalar int32
#   for array fields, both work:
#       ('foo', 'i4',    5) -> array([int32, int32, ...])
#       ('foo', 'i4', (5,)) -> array([int32, int32, ...])
#   but to be contistent better use tuple syntax
    ('blk0-0',  'i4'       ),  # 84 (start of first block, size=84 bytes)
    ('hdr',     'S4'       ),  # 'CORD'
    ('9int',    'i4',  (9,)),  # 9 ints, mostly 0
    ('timestep','f4'       ),  # timestep (float32)
    ('10int',   'i4', (10,)),  # 10 ints, mostly 0, last is 24
    ('blk0-1',  'i4'       ),  # 84
    ('blk1-0',  'i4'       ),  # 164
    ('ntitle',  'i4'       ),  # 2
    ('remark1', 'S80'      ),  # remark1
    ('remark2', 'S80'      ),  # remark2
    ('blk1-1',  'i4'       ),  # 164
    ('blk2-0',  'i4'       ),  # 4 (4 bytes = int32)
    ('natoms',  'i4'       ),  # natoms (int32)
    ('blk2-1',  'i4'       ),  # 4


[docs] def read_dcd_header(fn): """Shortcut function for reading the header from `fn`, using HEADER_DTYPE. Parameters ---------- fn : str filename Returns ------- ret : dict """ fd = open(fn, 'rb') arr = np.fromfile(fd, HEADER_DTYPE, 1) fd.close() return dict((key,arr[0][key]) for key in arr.dtype.names)
[docs] def read_dcd_data_ref(fn, convang=False): """Read dcd file. Pure Python version. Slow, only reference implementation. Use :func:`read_dcd_data` instead. Parameters ---------- fn : str filename convang : bool convert angles from cosine to degree (only useful for lammps style dcd files) Returns ------- ret : (cryst_const, coords) | cryst_const : (nstep,6) float64 array, (a,b,c,alpha,beta,gamma), | Angstrom, degrees | coords : (nstep, natoms, 3) float32 array, cartesian coords Angstrom Examples -------- >>> # default settings read cp2k files >>> cc,co = read_dcd_data_ref('cp2k.dcd') >>> cc,co = read_dcd_data_ref('cp2k.dcd', convang=False) >>> cc,co = read_dcd_data_ref('lammps.dcd', convang=True) """ fd = open(fn, 'rb') natoms = np.fromfile(fd, HEADER_DTYPE, 1)[0]['natoms'] # data per timestep data_dtype = np.dtype([ ('blk0-0', 'i4' ), # 48 = 6*8 bytes = 6*float64 ('cryst_const_dcd', 'f8', (6,)), # unit cell (6*float64) ('bkl0-1', 'i4' ), # 48 ('blkx-0', 'i4' ), # natoms*4 = natoms*float32 ('x', 'f4', (natoms,)), # x (natoms*float32) ('blkx-1', 'i4' ), # natoms*4 ('blky-0', 'i4' ), # natoms*4 ('y', 'f4', (natoms,)), # y ('blky-1', 'i4' ), # natoms*4 ('blkz-0', 'i4' ), # natoms*4 ('z', 'f4', (natoms,)), # z ('blkz-1', 'i4' ), # natoms*4 ]) cryst_const = [] coords = [] tmp_coords = np.empty((natoms,3), dtype=np.float32) tmp_cryst_const = np.empty((6,), dtype=np.float64) while True: _data = np.fromfile(fd, data_dtype, 1) if len(_data) == 0: break else: data = _data[0] tmp_coords[:,0] = data['x'] tmp_coords[:,1] = data['y'] tmp_coords[:,2] = data['z'] tmp_cryst_const[0] = data['cryst_const_dcd'][0] tmp_cryst_const[1] = data['cryst_const_dcd'][2] tmp_cryst_const[2] = data['cryst_const_dcd'][5] tmp_cryst_const[3] = data['cryst_const_dcd'][4] tmp_cryst_const[4] = data['cryst_const_dcd'][3] tmp_cryst_const[5] = data['cryst_const_dcd'][1] coords.append(tmp_coords.copy()) cryst_const.append(tmp_cryst_const.copy()) fd.close() coords = np.array(coords, dtype=np.float32) cryst_const = np.array(cryst_const, dtype=np.float64) if convang: cryst_const[:,3:] = np.arccos(cryst_const[:,3:])*180.0/np.pi return cryst_const, coords
[docs] def read_dcd_data(fn, convang=False): """Read dcd file. Fastest version. Calculates nstep from bytes between end-of-header and EOF. Parameters ---------- fn : str filename convang : bool convert angles from cosine to degree (only useful for lammps style dcd files) Returns ------- ret : (cryst_const, coords) | cryst_const : (nstep,6) float64 array, (a,b,c,alpha,beta,gamma), | Angstrom, degrees | coords : (nstep, natoms, 3) float32 array, cartesian coords Angstrom Examples -------- >>> # default settings read cp2k files >>> cc,co = read_dcd_data('cp2k.dcd') >>> cc,co = read_dcd_data('cp2k.dcd', convang=False) >>> cc,co = read_dcd_data('lammps.dcd', convang=True) """ fd = open(fn, 'rb') natoms = np.fromfile(fd, HEADER_DTYPE, 1)[0]['natoms'] fd_pos = fd.tell() # seek to end, os.SEEK_END) # number of bytes between fd_pos and end fd_rest = fd.tell() - fd_pos # reset to pos after header # calculate nstep: fd_rest / bytes_per_timestep # 4 - initial 48 # 6*8 - cryst_const_dcd # 7*4 - markers between x,y,z and at the end of the block # 3*4*natoms - float32 cartesian coords nstep = fd_rest / (4 + 6*8 + 7*4 + 3*4*natoms*1.0) assert nstep % 1.0 == 0.0, ("calculated nstep is not int, cannot " "read file '{}'".format(fn)) nstep = int(nstep) # dtype for fromfile: nstep times dtype of a timestep data block dtype = \ np.dtype(([('x0', 'i4'), ('x1', 'f8', (6,)), ('x2', 'i4', (2,)), ('x3', 'f4', (natoms,)), ('x4', 'i4', (2,)), ('x5', 'f4', (natoms,)), ('x6', 'i4', (2,)), ('x7', 'f4', (natoms,)), ('x8', 'i4')], (nstep,))) arr = np.fromfile(fd, dtype, 1) fd.close() cryst_const = np.empty((nstep,6), dtype=np.float64) cryst_const[:,0] = arr['x1'][0,:,0] cryst_const[:,1] = arr['x1'][0,:,2] cryst_const[:,2] = arr['x1'][0,:,5] cryst_const[:,3] = arr['x1'][0,:,4] cryst_const[:,4] = arr['x1'][0,:,3] cryst_const[:,5] = arr['x1'][0,:,1] coords = np.empty((nstep,natoms,3), dtype=np.float32) coords[...,0] = arr['x3'][0,...] coords[...,1] = arr['x5'][0,...] coords[...,2] = arr['x7'][0,...] if convang: cryst_const[:,3:] = np.arccos(cryst_const[:,3:])*180.0/np.pi return cryst_const, coords
[docs] def read_dcd_data_f(fn, convang=False, nstephdr=False): """Read dcd file. Wrapper for the Fortran version in ``dcd.f90``. Deprecated, use :func:`read_dcd_data` instead. Parameters ---------- fn : str filename convang : bool See :func:`read_dcd_data` nstephdr : bool read nstep from header (lammps) instead of walking the file twice (more safe but slower, works for all dcd flavors) Returns ------- ret : See :func:`read_dcd_data` Examples -------- >>> # default settings read cp2k files >>> cc,co = read_dcd_data_f('cp2k.dcd') >>> cc,co = read_dcd_data_f('cp2k.dcd', convang=False, nstephdr=False) >>> cc,co = read_dcd_data_f('lammps.dcd', convang=True, nstephdr=True) >>> # more safe if you don't trust nstep from the header >>> cc,co = read_dcd_data_f('lammps.dcd', convang=True, nstephdr=False) """ from pwtools import _dcd nstep, natoms, timestep = _dcd.get_dcd_file_info(fn, nstephdr) return _dcd.read_dcd_data(fn, nstep, natoms, convang)