Source code for pwtools.calculators

Notes on ASE's ``FileIOCalculator`` base class. tl;dr: use the `directory` keyword
and avoid paths in the `label` keyword.

>>> from ase.calculators.calculator import FileIOCalculator

The `label`, `directory` and `prefix` situation is convoluted.

>>> c=FileIOCalculator(label='label', directory='/path/to/dir')
>>> c.label
>>> c.prefix

`prefix` is allowed as input, but it is ignored!

>>> c=FileIOCalculator(label='label', directory='/path/to/dir', prefix='foo')
>>> c.prefix

A path in `label` used to work and we used (ASE 3.9 probably) to rely on
``directory=os.path.dirname(label)``, ``prefix=os.path.basename(label)``. Now
(ASE 3.20) there seems to be a bug with absolute paths: the leading ``/`` is

>>> c=FileIOCalculator(label='/path/to/dir/label')
>>> c.label
>>> c.prefix

import os
import shutil

from pwtools import common, pwscf, crys, io, constants

# silently fail at immport if ase is missing b/c it is not a dependency, fail
# later only when actually used
    from ase.calculators.calculator import FileIOCalculator, kpts2mp
except ImportError:
[docs] def _ase_missing(): raise NotImplementedError("Failed to import FileIOCalculator, kpts2mp " "from ase, not installed?")
[docs] def kpts2mp(*args, **kwds): _ase_missing()
[docs] class FileIOCalculator:
[docs] def __init__(self, *args, **kwds): _ase_missing()
[docs] def find_exe(names): if isinstance(names, str): _names = [names] else: _names = names for name in _names: path = shutil.which(name) if path is not None: return path
[docs] def stress_pwtools2ase(pwstress): """ Convert (3,3) stress tensor (GPa) to Voigt 6-vector for ASE (eV/Ang^3). Note that ASE uses another sign convention (too small unit cell = negative pressure instead of positive). Parameters ---------- pwstress : (3,3) symmetric stress tensor (GPa) Returns ------- [Pxx, Pyy, Pzz, Pyz, Pxz, Pxy] in eV/Ang^3 """ return -crys.tensor2voigt(pwstress) / constants.eV_by_Ang3_to_GPa
# Have an idea for an even more useless name for this class? Then send me a # mail. Or a patch! :)
[docs] class CalculatorBase: """Base class for creating calculators. Provides methods to automatically dispatch constructor input keywords."""
[docs] def init_params_from_input(self, kwds): """Set ``self.parameters = self.default_parameters`` and update with input keyword arguments `kwds`. For each key in self.parameters, set ``self.<key> = <value>``.""" allowed_keys = list(self.default_parameters.keys()) input_keys = list(kwds.keys()) for k in input_keys: if k not in allowed_keys: raise Exception("key '%s' not allowed, only: \n%s" %(k, str(allowed_keys))) self.parameters = self.default_parameters self.parameters.update(kwds) self.__dict__.update(self.parameters)
[docs] def fill_infile_templ(self): """Replace all placeholders in ``self.infile_templ``. Use all keys in ``self.infile_templ_keys`` as possible placeholders.""" return self.infile_templ.format(**dict((key, getattr(self, key)) for key in self.infile_templ_keys))
[docs] class Pwscf(FileIOCalculator, CalculatorBase): """Pwscf (pw.x) calculator. ATM, we don't write a ``ase.calculators.calculator.Parameters`` class (dict) and have no read() method so I guess that restarts don't work. Only simple SCF runs for now. Examples -------- Define a calculator object:: >>> calc=Pwscf(label='pw', ... directory='/path/to/calculation/dir', ... kpts=1/0.35, ... ecutwfc=80, ... conv_thr=1e-8, ... pp='pbe-n-kjpaw_psl.0.1.UPF', ... pseudo_dir='/home/schmerler/soft/share/espresso/pseudo/espresso/', ... calc_name='my_calc', ... outdir='/scratch/schmerler/', ... command='mpirun -np 16 pw.x < > pw.out') >>> at=crys.Structure(...).get_ase_atoms(pbc=True) >>> at.set_calculator(calc) >>> at.get_potential_energy() Relation to ASE k-grid tools:: >>> import numpy as np >>> from ase.calculators.calculator import kpts2mp >>> from pwtools.crys import kgrid >>> st=crys.Structure(cell=np.diag([5,3,3]), ... coords=rand(5,3), ... symbols=['H']*5) >>> at=st.get_ase_atoms(pbc=True) >>> crys.kgrid(st.cell, h=0.35) array([4, 6, 6]) >>> kpts2mp(at, kpts=1/0.35) array([4, 6, 6]) """ default_parameters = dict( restart=None, ignore_bad_restart_file=False, atoms=None, backup=False, calc_name='pwscf', charge=0.0, conv_thr=1e-10, diagonalization='david', ecutrho=None, ecutwfc=80.0, electron_maxstep=500, kpts=5.0, label='pw', mixing_beta=0.3, mixing_mode='plain', outdir=None, pp=None, pseudo_dir=None, smearing=None, xc=None, command="pw.x -input | tee pw.out", directory='.', ) implemented_properties = ['energy', 'forces', 'stress'] infile_templ = """ &control calculation = 'scf' restart_mode = 'from_scratch', prefix = '{calc_name}' tstress = .true. tprnfor = .true. pseudo_dir = '{pseudo_dir}', outdir = '{outdir}' wf_collect = .false. / &system ibrav = 0, nat = {natoms}, ntyp = {ntyp}, ecutwfc = {ecutwfc}, ecutrho = {ecutrho}, nosym = .false. / occupations = 'smearing' smearing = 'mv', degauss = 0.005 &electrons electron_maxstep = {electron_maxstep} diagonalization = '{diagonalization}' mixing_mode = '{mixing_mode}' mixing_beta = {mixing_beta} conv_thr = {conv_thr} / ATOMIC_SPECIES {atspec} CELL_PARAMETERS angstrom {cell} ATOMIC_POSITIONS crystal {atpos} K_POINTS automatic {kpoints} 0 0 0 """
[docs] def __init__(self, **kwds): """ Parameters ---------- All parameters: ``self.parameters.keys()`` label : str Basename of input and output files (e.g. 'pw'). ASE's FileIOCalculator will then set: ``self.prefix=label``, while ``self.label`` will become ``{}/{self.prefix}``. Don't ask :) In ``self.command``, we use '{self.prefix}.in' and '{self.prefix}.out' as file names. directory : str Path to a calculation dir where input and output files shall be written, e.g. ```` and ``pw.out``. kpts : ASE k-points description Examples: ``3.5``, ``[6,6,4]``. If a float ``x`` is used, then it is the inverse of the k-grid spacing `h` per reciprocal axis as in ``kpts=pwtools.crys.kgrid(struct.cell, h=1/x)`` calc_name : str 'prefix' in PWscf input files pp : str or sequence Definition of the pseudopotential file and thus `xc`. If `pp` is a string (e.g. 'pbe-n-kjpaw_psl.0.1.UPF'), then the atom symbols are used to build the PP file name ``'<atom_symbol>.pbe-n-kjpaw_psl.0.1.UPF'`` for each atom type. Needs a file of that name in `pseudo_dir`. If `pp` is a list, e.g. ``['Al.pbe-n-kjpaw_psl.0.1.UPF', 'N.pbe-n-kjpaw_psl.0.1.UPF']``, then this is used for each atom type. outdir, pseudo_dir, ecutwfc, ecutrho, diagonalization, mixing_mode, mixing_beta, electron_maxstep, conv_thr : as in PWscf, see backup : bool make backup of old and pw.out if found, uses :func:`~pwtools.common.backup` """ self.init_params_from_input(kwds) FileIOCalculator.__init__(self, **kwds) # ASE keywords if self.smearing is not None: raise NotImplementedError("smearing not implemented") if self.xc is not None: raise Exception("please use the `pp` keyword instead of `xc`") self.ecutrho = 4.0*self.ecutwfc if self.ecutrho is None else self.ecutrho # hard-coded <label>.(in|out) == <directory>/<prefix>.(in|out) self.infile = os.path.join(, self.prefix + '.in') self.outfile = os.path.join(, self.prefix + '.out') self.infile_templ_keys = list(self.parameters.keys()) + \ ['natoms', 'ntyp', 'atpos', 'atspec', 'cell', 'kpoints'] assert self.pp is not None, "set pp" assert self.pseudo_dir is not None, "set pseudo_dir" assert self.outdir is not None, "set outdir" assert self.kpts is not None, "set kpts"
[docs] def write_input(self, atoms, properties=None, system_changes=None): FileIOCalculator.write_input(self, atoms, properties, system_changes) struct = crys.atoms2struct(atoms) self.cell = common.str_arr(struct.cell) self.kpoints = pwscf.kpoints_str_pwin(kpts2mp(atoms, self.kpts)) if isinstance(self.pp, str): pseudos = ["%s.%s" %(sym, self.pp) for sym in struct.symbols_unique] else: assert len(self.pp) == struct.ntypat pseudos = [] for sym in struct.symbols_unique: for ppi in self.pp: if ppi.startswith(sym): pseudos.append(ppi) break assert len(pseudos) == struct.ntypat self.atspec = pwscf.atspec_str(symbols=struct.symbols_unique, masses=struct.mass_unique, pseudos=pseudos) self.atpos = pwscf.atpos_str(symbols=struct.symbols, coords=struct.coords_frac) self.natoms = struct.natoms self.ntyp = struct.ntypat if self.backup: for fn in [self.infile, self.outfile]: if os.path.exists(fn): common.backup(fn) common.file_write(self.infile, self.fill_infile_templ())
[docs] def read_results(self): self.results = {} assert os.path.exists(self.outfile), "%s missing" %self.outfile st = io.read_pw_scf(self.outfile) self.results['energy'] = st.etot self.results['forces'] = st.forces self.results['stress'] = stress_pwtools2ase(st.stress)
[docs] class Lammps(FileIOCalculator, CalculatorBase): """ LAMMPS calculator. Only for single-point calculations, no MD, i.e. run a single energy+force calculation for the input structure. Examples -------- Define a calculator object:: >>> calc = Lammps(label='lmp', >>> directory='/path/to/calculation/dir', ... pair_style='tersoff', ... pair_coeff='* * /path/to/potential/dir/AlN.tersoff Al N', ... command='lmp < > lmp.out 2>&1', ... ) >>> at=crys.Structure(...).get_ase_atoms(pbc=True) >>> at.set_calculator(calc) >>> at.get_potential_energy() """ default_parameters = dict( restart=None, ignore_bad_restart_file=False, atoms=None, label='lmp', pair_coeff='* * ./AlN.tersoff Al N', pair_style='tersoff', backup=False, command=f"lmp < > lmp.out", # also writes 'log.lammps' directory='.', ) implemented_properties = ['energy', 'forces', 'stress'] infile_templ = """ clear units metal boundary p p p atom_style atomic # lmp.struct written by pwtools read_data {structfile} # interactions pair_style {pair_style} pair_coeff {pair_coeff} # IO dump dump_txt all custom 1 {dumpfile} id type xu yu zu fx fy fz dump_modify dump_txt sort id thermo_style custom step temp vol cella cellb cellc cellalpha cellbeta cellgamma & pe pxx pyy pzz pxy pxz pyz run 0 """
[docs] def __init__(self, **kwds): """ Parameters ---------- All parameters: ``self.parameters.keys()`` """ self.init_params_from_input(kwds) FileIOCalculator.__init__(self, **kwds) self.infile_templ_keys = list(self.parameters.keys()) + \ ['prefix', 'dumpfile', 'structfile'] self.infile = os.path.join(, self.prefix + '.in') self.outfile = os.path.join(, self.prefix + '.out') self.dumpfile = os.path.join(, self.prefix + '.out.dump') self.structfile = os.path.join(, self.prefix + '.struct') self.logfile = os.path.join(, 'log.lammps')
[docs] def write_input(self, atoms, properties=None, system_changes=None): FileIOCalculator.write_input(self, atoms, properties, system_changes) if self.backup: for fn in [self.infile, self.outfile, self.dumpfile, self.structfile, self.logfile]: if os.path.exists(fn): common.backup(fn) common.file_write(self.infile, self.fill_infile_templ()) io.write_lammps(self.structfile, crys.atoms2struct(atoms), symbolsbasename=os.path.basename(self.structfile) + '.symbols')
[docs] def read_results(self): self.results = {} assert os.path.exists(self.outfile), "%s missing" %self.outfile st = io.read_lammps_md_txt(self.outfile)[0] self.results['energy'] = st.etot self.results['forces'] = st.forces self.results['stress'] = stress_pwtools2ase(st.stress)