- pwtools.parse.traj_from_txt(txt, shape, axis=0, dtype=<class 'numpy.float64'>, sep=' ')[source]¶
Used for 3d trajectories where the exact shape of the array as written by the MD code must be known, e.g. (nstep,N,3) where N=3 (cell, stress) or N=natoms (coords, forces, …).
We use np.fromstring for speed, so txt can only contain numbers and separators (white space), no comments (like “# this is the header”), which numpy.loadtxt() would handle.
- Parameters:
txt (string) – Text containing numbers (e.g. from
common.backtick("grep ...")
)shape (tuple) – The 3d shape of the array when written along axis (see also arrayio.writetxt()) to text as 2d chunks and read back in as 3d array. Used to reconstruct the array.
axis (int) – Axis along which the array was written in 2d chunks to text. (see also axis in arrayio.writetxt()). Used to reconstruct the array. Only axis=0 implemented.
dtype (passed to np.fromstring)
sep (passed to np.fromstring)