
DataND([a2, an, axes])

Transform 2d array a2 to nd array an.


Double-precision floating-point number type, compatible with Python float and C double.

Fit1D(x, y)

Base class for 1D data fit/interpolation classes (Spline, PolyFit1D).

Interpol2D([points, values, xx, yy, dd, what])

Common 2D interpolator API.

PolyFit(points, values, *args, **kwds)

High level interface to poly{fit,val}, similar to Spline and Interpol2D.

PolyFit1D(*args, **kwds)

1D special case version of PolyFit which handles 1d and scalar points Also get_min() uses the root of the poly's 1st derivative instead of fmin().

Spline(x, y[, eps, checkeps])

Fit1D-based spline interpolator.

deriv_spl(y[, x, xnew, n, fullout])

n-th derivative for 1d arrays of possibly nonuniformly sampled data.

distsq(arrx, arry)

Squared distances between all points in arrx and arry:

euler_matrix(phi, theta, psi[, deg])

Euler's rotation matrix.

extend_array(arr, nstep[, axis])

Repeat an array along axis by inserting a new axis (dimension) before axis.

fempty(shape[, dtype])

findmin(x, y)

Find minimum of x-y curve by searching for the root of the 1st derivative of a spline thru x,y.

findroot(x, y)

Find root of x-y curve by searching for the root of a spline thru x,y.


Mask array into points where points[msk] are all "inner" points, i.e. points with one level of edge points removed.

match_mask(arr, values[, fullout, eps])

Bool array of len(arr) which is True if arr[i] == values[j], j=0..len(values).

meshgridt(x, y)

Shortcut for numpy.meshgrid(x, y, indexing="ij")


2-norm for real vectors.

norm_int(y, x[, area, scale, func])

Normalize integral area of y(x) to area.


Normalize array by it's max value.

order_similar(arr[, repeat, order])

Band ordering algorithm.


Convert a string or number to a floating point number, if possible.

poly_powers(ndim, deg)

Powers for building a n-dim polynomial and columns of the n-dim Vandermonde matrix.

poly_str(ndim, deg)

String representation of a ndim-poly of degree deg.

polyfit(points, values, deg[, scale, scale_vand])

Fit nd polynomial of dregree deg.

polyval(fit, points[, der])

Evaluate polynomial generated by polyfit() on points.

rms(arr[, nitems])

RMS of all elements in a ndarray.

rms3d(arr[, axis, nitems])

RMS of 3d array along axis.

round_up_next_multiple(x, mult)

Round integer x up to the next possible multiple of mult.

sliceput(a, b, sl[, axis])

The equivalent of a[<slice or index>]=b, but accepts slices objects instead of array indices or fancy indexing (e.g. a[:,1:]).

slicetake(a, sl[, axis, copy])

The equivalent of numpy.take(a, ..., axis=<axis>), but accepts slice objects instead of an index array.

sum(arr[, axis, keepdims])

This numpy.sum() with some features implemented which can be found in numpy v1.7 and later: axis can be a tuple to select arbitrary axes to sum over.

vander(points, deg)

N-dim Vandermonde matrix for data points and a polynomial of degree deg.

vlinspace(a, b, num[, endpoint])

Like numpy.linspace, but for 1d arrays.