
Representation of image content: fingerprints

The task of fingerprints (feature vectors) is to represent an image’s content (mountains, car, kitchen, person, …). Deep convolutional neural networks trained on many different images have developed an internal representation of objects in higher layers, which we use for that purpose.

To this end, we use a pre-trained NN (VGG16 as implemented by Keras). The weights will be downloaded once by Keras automatically upon first import and placed into ~/.keras/models/. The network was trained on ImageNet and is able to categorize images into 1000 classes (the last layer has 1000 nodes). We use (thanks for the hint!) the activations of the second to last fully connected layer (‘fc2’, 4096 nodes) as image fingerprints (numpy 1d array of shape (4096,)) by default.

Content and time distance

Image fingerprints represent content. Clustering based on content ignores time correlations. Say we have two images of some object that look similar. Thus their fingerprints are similar (have small distance in feature space) and so they will be put into the same cluster. However, they might be in fact pictures of different objects, taken at different times – which is our original holiday image use case (e.g. two images of a church from different cities, taken on separate trips). In this case, we want the images to end up in different clusters. We have a feature to mix content distance dc (from fingerprints) and time distance dt (from timestamps or EXIF tags) such that


One can thus do pure content-based clustering (α=0) or pure time-based (α=1). The effect of the mixing is that fingerprint points representing content get pushed further apart when the corresponding images’ time distance is large. That way, we achieve a transparent addition of time information w/o changing the clustering method. See cluster()’s alpha and timestamps parameters.

Clustering and similarity index

We use hierarchical clustering (cluster()), which compares the image fingerprints (4096-dim vectors, possibly scaled by time distance) using a distance metric and produces a dendrogram as an intermediate result. This shows how the images can be grouped together depending on their similarity (y-axis).


One can now cut through the dendrogram tree at a certain height (sim parameter 0…1, y-axis) to create clusters of images with that level of similarity. sim=0 is the root of the dendrogram (top in the plot) where there is only one node (= all images in one cluster). sim=1 is equal to the end of the dendrogram tree (bottom in the plot), where each image is its own cluster. By varying the index between 0 and 1, we thus increase the number of clusters from 1 to the number of images. However, note that we only report clusters with at least 2 images, such that sim=1 will in fact produce no results at all (unless there are completely identical images).

Quality of clustering & parameters to tune

Apart from the obvious sim and alpha parameters, the parameters of the clustering method itself are worth tuning. ATM, we expose only some in cluster(). We tested several distance metrics and linkage methods, but this could nevertheless use a more elaborate evaluation. See cluster() for method, metric and criterion and the scipy functions called. If you do this and find settings which perform much better – PRs welcome!

Additionally, some other implementations do not use any of the inner fully connected layers as features, but instead the output of the last pooling layer (layer ‘flatten’ in Keras’ VGG16). We tested that briefly (see calc.get_model(... layer='fc2')) and found our default ‘fc2’ to perform well enough. ‘fc1’ performs almost the same, while ‘flatten’ seems to do worse. But again, a quantitative analysis is in order.

PCA: Because of the Curse of dimensionality, it may be helpful to perform a PCA on the fingerprints before clustering to reduce the feature vector dimensions to, say, a few 100, thus making the distance metrics used in clustering more effective. However, our tests so far show no substantial change in clustering results, in accordance to what others have found. See examples/ and pca().


The bottleneck in all calculations is fingerprints(), all other operations have negligible relative cost. Especially clustering is very fast.

Fingerprints calculation puts each image thru the TensorFlow NN model (VGG16). Due to technical foo (see calc for details, PRs welcome!) we cannot paralellize over images using multiprocessing. Instead we do a serial loop over images and leverage TensorFlow’s threading which which is on by default. On low core counts, this does indeed scale OK.