.. _features: Features ======== * container classes for single unit cells (:class:`~pwtools.crys.Structure`) and structure sequences such as molecular dynamics trajectories, relaxation runs or NEB paths (:class:`~pwtools.crys.Trajectory`) * classes to set up calculations (parameter studies) based on template input files for any kind of computational backend (:mod:`~pwtools.batch`) * simple sqlite3 interface with convenience data extraction methods (:mod:`~pwtools.sql`) * parsing of PWscf (QE_), CPMD_ , CP2K_ and LAMMPS_ output into Python objects for easy access (:mod:`~pwtools.parse`) * structure io: read cif, pdb, write axsf, cif, xyz (:mod:`~pwtools.io`) * pythonic interface to external molecular viewers for interactive use: xcrysden_, avogadro_, jmol_, VMD_ (:mod:`~pwtools.visualize`) * interface to the Elk_ code's EOS fitting tool and own implementation (Vinet EOS) (:mod:`~pwtools.eos`) * thermodynamic properties in the quasi-harmonic approximation from phonon density of states, QHA implementation (:mod:`~pwtools.thermo`) * MD analysis: radial pair distribution function (own implementation and VMD_ interface), RMS, RMSD (:mod:`~pwtools.crys`) * velocity autocorrelation function and phonon DOS from MD trajectories (:mod:`~pwtools.pydos`) * unit cell related tools: super cell building, coordinate transformation, k-grid tools, ... (:mod:`~pwtools.crys`) * thin wrappers for spglib_ functions (:mod:`~pwtools.symmetry`) * functions and classes to extend numpy/scipy, e.g. N-dim polynomial fitting and a number of convenient 1D classes (polynomial, spline) with a common API (:mod:`~pwtools.num`) * N-dim radial basis function interpolation and fitting (:mod:`~pwtools.rbf`) * basic signal processing / fft related tools (:mod:`~pwtools.signal`) * tools to handle matplotlib plots in scripts (:mod:`~pwtools.mpl`) * QE and LAMMPS calculators for ASE (:mod:`~pwtools.calculators`) * extensive test suite .. include:: refs.rst