Velocity autocorrelation function and phonon DOS ================================================ Correlation and power spectrum ------------------------------ Here are some (textbook) notes about correlation, which you should read in order to understand how the phonon DOS (= vibrational density of states = power spectrum of the atomic velocities) is calculated in pwtools (see :mod:`~pwtools.pydos`). The cross-correlation theorem for the two-sided correlation:: corr(a,b) = ifft(fft(a)*fft(b).conj()) If a == b, then this reduces to the special case of the Wiener-Khinchin theorem (autocorrelation of `a`):: corr(a,a) = ifft(abs(fft(a))**2) where the power spectrum of `a` is simply:: fft(corr(a,a)) == abs(fft(a))**2 Both theorems assume *periodic* data, i.e. `a` and `b` repeat after `nstep` points. To deal with non-periodic data, we use zero-padding with ``nstep-1`` points at the end of `a` before ``fft``. Therefore, the correlated signal is ``2*nstep-1`` points long ("two-sided correlation") and contains the correlations for positive and negative lags. Since the autocorrelation function is symmetric around lag=0, we return 0 ... +lag in :func:`pwtools.signal.acorr`. To compare that with ``scipy.signal.correlate(a,a,'full')``, we need to mirror the result at lag=0 again. Here are these equalities with discrete data. Note that due to the way in which fft/ifft packs the data in the returned array, we need to do some slicing + mirror tricks to get it right. In each example, the arrays c1,c2,c3 and p1,p2 are the same and for ``corr(v,v)`` we use ``acorr(v)`` here. Two-sided correlation for -lag...0...+lag:: >>> from pwtools.signal import pad_zeros, welch, mirror, acorr >>> from scipy.signal import correlate >>> from scipy.fftpack import fft,ifft >>> pad=lambda x: pad_zeros(x, nadd=len(x)-1) >>> n=500; w=welch(n) >>> t=linspace(0,1,n); dt=t[1]-t[0] >>> v=np.array([sin(2*pi*f*t + rand()*2*pi) for f in rand(10)*100]).sum(0) >>> f=np.fft.fftfreq(2*n-1, dt)[:n] >>> figure(); plot(t,v); title('signal') >>> c1=mirror(ifft(abs(fft(pad(v)))**2.0)[:n].real) >>> c2=correlate(v,v,'full') >>> c3=mirror(acorr(v,norm=False)) >>> figure(); plot(c1, label='fft'); plot(c2, label='scipy'); \ ... plot(c3, label='acorr'); title('corr'); legend() and the power spectra as ``fft(corr(v,v))``, now one-sided:: >>> p1=(abs(fft(pad(v)))**2.0)[:n] >>> p2=(abs(fft(mirror(acorr(v,norm=False)))))[:n] >>> figure(); plot(f,p1, label='fft'); plot(f,p2, label='acorr'); \ ... title('spectrum'); legend() also with a Welch window:: >>> p1=(abs(fft(pad(v*w)))**2.0)[:n] >>> p2=(abs(fft(mirror(acorr(v*w,norm=False)))))[:n] >>> figure(); plot(f,p1, label='fft'); plot(f,p2, label='acorr'); \ ... title('spectrum welch'); legend() The zero-padding before ``fft`` is manadatory! It is also done inside :func:`scipy.signal.correlate()`. The 1D reference implementation is :func:`pwtools.signal.acorr`, which contains the fft-based correlation (Wiener-Khinchin) along with other methods. Padding and smoothing --------------------- There is `another code `_ out there (appart from ``fourier.x`` from CPMD) which calculates the phonon DOS from MD data. What they do is padding the `correlation` function, i.e. something like ``fft(pad(acorr(v)))``, which is `not` the same as ``fft(mirror(acorr(v)))``. They also use smoothing (convolution with a gaussian, i.e. ``fft(smooth(pad(acorr(v))))``) after padding, which is less effective than using a Welch (or any other) window function. But we haven't tested the code, so all this may work just fine. For smoothing the spectrum (e.g. ``p1=(abs(fft(pad(v)))**2.0)[:n]``) using our implementation, use :func:`pwtools.signal.smooth`, i.e. ``smooth(p1)``. For increasing the interpolation, use more padding `of the time series`, for instance ``pad_zeros(v, nadd=(len(v)-1)*5)`` instead of `len(v)-1`. Calculation of the phonon DOS from MD data ------------------------------------------ The :mod:`~pwtools.pydos` module containes many helper and reference implementations, but the the main function to be used is :func:`~pwtools.pydos.pdos`. There are two ways of computing the phonon density of states (PDOS) from an MD trajectory. ``v`` is the 3d array of atomic velocities with shape (nstep,natoms,3), i.e. ``Trajectory.velocity``, see :func:`~pwtools.crys.velocity_traj`. * ``method='vacf'``: ``fft`` of the velocity autocorrelation function (``vacf``): ``v`` -> ``vacf`` -> ``fft(vacf)`` = PDOS, see :func:`~pwtools.pydos.vacf_pdos` * ``method='direct'``: ``abs(fft(v))**2`` = PDOS, see :func:`~pwtools.pydos.direct_pdos`, This is much faster and mathematically exactly the same, see ``examples/examples/phonon_dos`` and ``test/`` . Both methods are implemented but actually only method 'direct' is worth using. Method 'vacf' still exists for historical reasons and as reference. The actual implementation is in :func:`~pwtools.pydos.pdos` and the above two functions are convenience wrappers. * In method 'vacf', if we mirror the ``vacf`` at t=0 before the ``fft``, then we get double frequency resolution. * By default, :func:`~pwtools.pydos.direct_pdos` uses zero-padding of ``v`` to get the same frequency resolution as we would get with mirroring the signal (``mirr=True``) :func:`~pwtools.pydos.vacf_pdos`. Also, padding is necessary b/c of the arguments outlined above for the 1d case. * Both methods use Welch windowing by default to reduce "leakage" from neighboring peaks. * Both methods must produce exactly the same results (up to numerical noise). * The frequency axis of the PDOS is in Hz. It is "f", NOT the angular frequency 2*pi*f. See also ``examples/``. * The difference to the 1d case: * mass weighting: this affects only the relative peak `heights` in the PDOS, not the peak positions * averaging over `natoms` to get a 1d array (time series) .. include:: ../refs.rst