Parsing code output and using containers ======================================== .. _parser_classes: Available parsers ----------------- A core feature of pwtools is a set of parsers for commonly used atomistic simulation codes. The parsers are located in :mod:`~pwtools.parse`. These parsers are available: | :class:`~pwtools.parse.CifFile` | :class:`~pwtools.parse.PDBFile` | :class:`~pwtools.parse.PwSCFOutputFile` | :class:`~pwtools.parse.PwMDOutputFile` | :class:`~pwtools.parse.PwVCMDOutputFile` | :class:`~pwtools.parse.CpmdSCFOutputFile` | :class:`~pwtools.parse.CpmdMDOutputFile` | :class:`~pwtools.parse.Cp2kSCFOutputFile` | :class:`~pwtools.parse.Cp2kMDOutputFile` | :class:`~pwtools.parse.Cp2kDcdMDOutputFile` | :class:`~pwtools.parse.Cp2kRelaxOutputFile` | :class:`~pwtools.parse.LammpsTextMDOutputFile` | :class:`~pwtools.parse.LammpsDcdMDOutputFile` The parsers called ``*OutputFile`` are for parsing simulation code output. The others parse structure files (cif and pdb). All parsers have a common API and can be used like :: >>> pp = PwSCFOutputFile('pw.out') >>> pp.get_cell() >>> # or call all get_*() methods at once and access attributes >>> pp.parse() >>> pp.cell The problem with using the parsers directly is that there are of course differences between the codes. For instance, each one uses different units (Bohr, Angstrom, Ry, Ha, eV, ...). Also, not all structure attributes are contained in the output of all codes. For example, :class:`~pwtools.parse.PwSCFOutputFile` will parse Cartesian atomic coordinates into ``pp.coords`` and the unit cell into ``pp.cell``. However, often we need to use the fractional coordinates ``pp.coords_frac``. This quantity is not present in the PWscf output and thus ``pp.coords_frac`` will be None. However, we know that we can manually calculate it from ``coords`` and ``cell``. .. _container_classes: Container classes :class:`~pwtools.crys.Structure` and :class:`~pwtools.crys.Trajectory` ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In order to abstract away the differences between codes as much as possible, we have implemented unified container classes. These classes are :class:`~pwtools.crys.Structure` and :class:`~pwtools.crys.Trajectory`. The former is used to represent a single crystal structure (unit cell, atom coordinates, total energy, stress tensor, ...). The latter represents a sequence of structures, for instance an MD or relaxation run. They have two important features: * A defined set of units (eV, Angstrom,...), to which all quantities are converted. * Calculate all missing attributes automatically and thus provide a unified API. Note that the latter is a convenience feature and will also produce some redundant data. You may want to :ref:`turn it off ` for parsing/storing big data. The auto-calculation of missing properties in :class:`~pwtools.crys.Trajectory` and :class:`~pwtools.crys.Structure` is done by trying to calculate all properties for which there is a ``get_*`` method. For example, if a parser finds ``coords`` and ``cell`` in the MD data, then in :class:`~pwtools.crys.Trajectory` ``coords_frac`` is calculated from that. You can of course use these classes to build new structures and trajectories by hand (just as with ``ase.Atoms``, or you use :func:`~pwtools.crys.atoms2struct`):: >>> st = crys.Structure(coords_frac=np.array([[0]*3, [.5]*3]), cryst_const=np.array([3.0]*3 + [60]*3), symbols=['Al','N']) >>> tr = crys.Trajectory(coords_frac=rand(1000,20,3), cell=rand(1000,3,3), symbols=['H']*20) By doing this, the :meth:`~pwtools.crys.Structure.set_all` method is automatically called, which will calculate all possible attributes from the input data (for example ``st.coords``, ``st.cell``). However, some attributes may be undefined. For example, the ``st`` above will have no ``etot`` or ``stress`` attribute (they are None), since that was not defined in the input and there is no ways to calculate it, of course, whereas a Structure returned by :func:`` will have that. By using the :meth:`~pwtools.base.FlexibleGetters.dump` method, you can store the object as binary file [using Python's ``pickle`` module] for fast re-loading later:: >>> st.dump('') >>> st_loaded = io.read_pickle('') A Trajectory object can be viewed a list of Structure instances [even though it is implemented differently due to efficiency: we use 3d numpy arrays], it supports iteration and slicing, for example:: >>> # extract first and last Structure objects >>> st_first = tr[0] >>> st_last = tr[-1] >>> # slice out a part of the trajectory >>> tr_middle = tr[100:500] >>> # use every 5th step >>> tr[::5] Structure and Trajectory objects can also be freely concatenated into a new Trajectory:: >>> tr_new = crys.concatenate((st1, st2)) >>> tr_new = crys.concatenate((st, tr)) >>> tr_new = crys.concatenate((tr1, tr2, st)) .. _high_level_parsing: High-level parsing functions ---------------------------- The most simple way to parse code output and get a container class is to use the high-level functions in :mod:``. These return a :class:`~pwtools.crys.Structure`: | :func:`` | :func:`` | :func:`` | :func:`` | :func:`` These return a :class:`~pwtools.crys.Trajectory`: | :func:`` | :func:`` | :func:`` | :func:`` | :func:`` | :func:`` | :func:`` | :func:`` For example:: >>> st = io.read_pw_scf('pw.out') # SCF run >>> st.etot -258.58148870118305 >>> st.cell array([[-2.71536701, 0. , 2.71536701], [ 0. , 2.71536701, 2.71536701], [-2.71536701, 2.71536701, 0. ]]) >>> tr = io.read_pw_md('pw.out') # MD/relax run >>> tr.etot[:5] >>> array([-17812.03671913, -17810.74831561, -17811.38315829, -17808.90413645, -17807.96259264]) >>> plot(tr.etot) These functions use the appropriate parser class and transform the result of the parsing to a :class:`~pwtools.crys.Structure` or :class:`~pwtools.crys.Trajectory`. For example, what is essentially done is simply:: >>> # same as tr=io.read_pw_md('pw.out') >>> pp = parse.PwMDOutputFile('pw.out') >>> tr = pp.get_traj() >>> # same as st=io.read_cp2k_scf('cp2k.out') >>> pp = parse.Cp2kSCFOutputFile('cp2k.out') >>> st = pp.get_struct() It is important to note that Structure and Trajectory instances built by hand can be used in exactly the same way as those obtained by using one of the ``io.read_*()`` functions. Units ----- Each parser will (try to) return the "natural" units of each code: =========== ========= =============== ================== ==================== property PWscf CPMD CP2K LAMMPS (metal units) =========== ========= =============== ================== ==================== length Bohr Bohr Angstrom Angstrom energy Ry Ha Ha eV forces Ry/Bohr Ha/Bohr Ha/Bohr eV/Angstrom stress kbar kbar bar[MD], GPa[SCF] bar temperature K K K K velocity - Bohr/thart (?) Bohr/thart Angstrom/ps time tryd thart thart ps =========== ========= =============== ================== ==================== See :mod:`~pwtools.constants` for `thart` and `tryd`. For PWscf, we also detect things like "ATOMIC_POSITIONS crystal | alat | bohr" and transform accordingly. Nevertheless, *always* verify that the units you get are the ones you expect! In :class:`~pwtools.crys.Structure` and :class:`~pwtools.crys.Trajectory`, we have units eV, Angstrom,... =========== ============== =============================== property unit SI =========== ============== =============================== length Angstrom (1e-10 m) energy eV (1.602176487e-19 J) forces eV / Angstrom stress GPa (not eV/Angstrom**3) temperature K velocity Angstrom / fs time fs (1e-15 s) mass amu (1.6605387820000001e-27 kg) =========== ============== ===============================